
Responses from djones51

Audio Lessons Learned - post your best advice for the newer members!
Looks like an advertisement for McIntosh. Nothing wrong with their equipment but you should have learned SS amps are like DACs. If you like the meters and bling that's fine but you can get a good amp a lot cheaper. 
Upgrading from Thiel 2.7 to Sonus Faber or Focal???
Maybe  give Kef  reference a listen.  
Pro Mid field monitors vs audiophile speakers.
The Hedd and Focal would both be better so I see no downside. You might widen your search and include Genelec, Adam and Neumann. Any of these would give you a more accurate presentation and clear the mushiness. 
A stupid question for which there's no sensible answer.
The reason room and speakers and EQ.  are mentioned is because that's about 90% if he does nothing with those it's a waste of time and money.  
Perfect Path "Solutions" (PPS) eMat
That's why it's also better to laugh with the sinners than cry with the saints.  
A stupid question for which there's no sensible answer.
1. Speakers, flatter the response and wide dispersion the better2.Room3.integrate 1 and 2 with proper treatment and PEQ. 4. Amp, preamp, source or better yet get active speakers 5. Dac for digital. Cables are irrelevant as long as they work. USB i... 
Perfect Path "Solutions" (PPS) eMat
Toss a couple of these refrigerator mats on the doors of your Tesla and get  200 more miles per charge.  
Class D
The ICE 200AS2 has this same graph which shows a phase shift of almost 90° . I've never seen these types of plots presented this way and they don't do it for all their models. 
Class D
Thanks George but perhaps someone who understands the question might answer. 
Class D
This graph I have seen on other forums but I never quite understood it. Is it showing that the impedance at 20Hz is .005 Ohms which stays fairly flat to 1Khz then rises to .05 Ohm at 20 Khz? The phase shifts 70° from .025 Oh... 
Class D
George you might like the Adam S3V, it has newest ICE amps switching at 1Mhz on the woofer and Mid driver and their own AB amp matched to the tweeter. 
Class D
I probably would like the Kii 3, I like the Dutch and Dutch, Buchardt, Genelec, Adam. I also like Revel and Kef passives. This list isn't all inclusive.  
Class D
Congratulations George you figured out how to make those Ncore modules sound like bad 1980's tube amps.  
Best 9 channels power amp?
I don't know your budget. 
Perfect Path "Solutions" (PPS) eMat
Double, double toil and trouble;Fire burn and caldron bubble.Fillet of a fenny snake,In the caldron boil and bake;Slice of mat and wire of fuseLiquid cables juice we useDiamond needle on tone arm singScratching and  popping an audiophile dreamFor ...