
Responses from djones51

Class D
I don't know George some of the best sound quality  I've heard came from Class D amps in active speakers. Effortless from top to bottom.  
Class D
To me the best sounding amp doesn't have a sound. 
About to invest in room treatments; GIK, RealTraps, DIY -- what is your experience?
This might help some. 
Class D
Benchmark AHB2 amp is not Class D.  
*WHITE PAPER* The Sound of Music - How & Why the Speaker Cable Matters
Skin effect in audio cables is nothing to concern yourself about it's not like we're talking about miles of wire. I don't see any need for a liquid cable either. What, fill a tube with mercury? This is goofy as well, all that's needed for audio fr... 
Speaker driver breakdown.
I can see this isn't a very popular subject but here's another article on where speakers are heading. 
Midrange/treble harshness at volume
You need to EQ from about 3Khz on out to 20Khz drop it about 6db. It’s not hard to do if you’re using roon. Look at the plots on Stereophile that speaker is to lively and tilts up . 
Reliability of Dutch & Dutch 8C speakers
If your listening position is at least 2.5 meters and breathing is 10db you wouldn't hear the fan if it ever kicked on assuming you breathe of course. 
Remarkably better sound possible with just 1 system component change?
Then get the Everest DD67000. They will enhance no room treatments needed. 
Reliability of Dutch & Dutch 8C speakers
LoL, I never heard the fans either when I had Dutch and Dutch 8c. From your listening position the ambient room noise would mask them even in the quietest of passages in  classical music.  
Remarkably better sound possible with just 1 system component change?
Well if no room treatments are in order I agree with the suggestion above on getting JBL speakers to let it RIP but I wouldn’t bother with the 4329 go with the S4700 or say to hell with it and go all out with the K2 S9900. 
Perfect Path "Solutions" (PPS) eMat
I should have accounted for the 85th floor.  
Perfect Path "Solutions" (PPS) eMat
So now electricity and thermostats are the unknown? I admit to not fully understanding electricity and I don't fully understand gravity but I and we do understand enough about both to say jumping off a building results in falling to the ground and... 
Perfect Path "Solutions" (PPS) eMat
 I have no first hand knowledge of the outcome of jumping off a skyscraper and I'm not willing to try first hand but I will defer to anyone who will give it a go first hand and eat my words if they don't hit the sidewalk. Magic mats in electric pa... 
Perfect Path "Solutions" (PPS) eMat
If only the claims had remained in audio but when users of these "mats" extol lower electric bills, frozen orange juice in the refrigerator,  water heaters over heating , TV needing readjustment,  we've left the well perhaps and entered the twilig...