
Responses from dogberry

Discuss The Viv Lab Rigid Arm
What's this, Lew? Only just discovering it? It's a bloody wonder for the price. Spare styli for it are cheapest at I've stocked up.  
Anxiety help needed. New instal of Hana ML
Please tell me to just take my Lexapro and drink my coffee and relax. That’s all I’m asking. Maybe decaf in future?  
Has This Kind of Tonearm Been Made?
It strikes me that this is the kind of thing an obsessed hobbyist could make for himself. The only difficulty being getting the gantry rigid - a triangular section box structure might be best, and to make the hinge have no play in it. Possibly eve... 
Has This Kind of Tonearm Been Made?
Oh well....  
Discuss The Viv Lab Rigid Arm
Frankly, this is all about how many angels can dance on the head of a pin, unless, or until, we listen to the underhung arm in question. I have not, but I can encompass how and why it might sound better in my dreadfully simplistic way. I'd buy one... 
Discuss The Viv Lab Rigid Arm
@pindac Was that a 'yes' or a 'no' to my question to you - that you referred to the floating oil bearing? Mysterious "Mechanical Interfaces function" isn't quite explicit.  
Discuss The Viv Lab Rigid Arm
Perhaps for you and other gentlemans that could think like you It was a question, not an opinion. Your question came with out facts/why’s Questions, honestly asked, tend to do so. you " touch " almost all other in a bad way. Careful. It... 
Discuss The Viv Lab Rigid Arm
Sorry, perhaps I described it incorrectly. But my question to @pindac still stands. (As does the rest.)  
Discuss The Viv Lab Rigid Arm
@pindac when you wrote: I can't but help feel that the positive impression being made from use of the 'Viv' by @lewm, is additionally influenced by experiencing a Tonearm with an alternative Mechanical Interface, inclusive of methods for transfe... 
How are we wiring our Mono systems?
I’m a "one ear" since the age of eight. I don’t hear stereo and have no directional hearing except by trying to discern the direction of the loudest sound. I do, however strive to make my hi-fi sound the way music does in the concert hall or opera... 
Discuss The Viv Lab Rigid Arm
My first record player needed to be wound up and played only 78s and the only option was whether to use a steel needle or a hawthorn bush thorn, of which there was a supply in a small metal bowl in the top right corner. The 78s given to me with it... 
Discuss The Viv Lab Rigid Arm
Looks like very few are able to overcome what they have been taught, And before anyone gets excited, overcoming what your society teaches is you is almost always wrong. The problem is that in the very few exceptions to that "almost always" is whe... 
If I could afford, I’d purchase 100% Oswald Mills Audio gear
People buy things for their looks rather than their sound? What would such people be doing on this site (beyond annoying us)?  
Annoying trend? New vinyl equalization and compression
@seekerbob my son has never bought a record, but has watched me all his life putting records on to a turntable. All we can do is to condition the young to regard this as just another way to play music. A few of them might be alert enough to the st... 
Annoying trend? New vinyl equalization and compression
If vinyl pressing plants are being kept open by hipsters and their USB-direct-to-phone turntables, I expect we should be glad. Those pressing plants will also get some serious jobs, and one hopes they kept on an engineer who could do them justice....