
Responses from dougdeacon

Early digital recordings on vinyl vs. CD?
What exactly was Neil Young comparing? Source tapes? MP3s? CDs? Without knowing what he was talking about his remark was cute but meaningless. If he thought he was describing *all* digital, he was just wrong. With regard to Dire Straits, I agree t... 
Early digital recordings on vinyl vs. CD?
Some of my favorite performances are on such records, for example, nearly all of Hogwood's output on l'Oiseau Lyre and most of Harnoncourts's survey of the Bach cantatas. I have both CD and LP copies of many such. In my system (listed) not only is... 
Anti-Skate dial-How to set it? + a bonus question
Stringreen,We disagree, obviously. I don't doubt your experience but it isn't consistent with mine. We use almost entirely different equipment so that's hardly surprising. I don't think either of us has a claim on the best way to set up every poss... 
Anti-Skate dial-How to set it? + a bonus question
Mechans,My partner and I do tweak VTF at least daily and in certain listening conditions I've been known to tweak it more often, including sometimes to the individual LP level.No matter what the specs may say, some cartridges do perform best very ... 
Mirror for cartridge set up?
The Turntable Basics version will ultimately cost you $20 more than the MintLP version, because 5 minutes after receiving the Turntable Basics version you'll throw it out and order a MintLP protractor. LOL! So true... I actually have two TTB protr... 
Solid State Pre-Amp: OK to Use With Tube Amp?
Franz456,Sufentail's guidance was close, but IME not quite on. Your speakers do require a certain number of watts to produce a given SPL in a given room, but that's all power (watts) will buy you. How many watts do you need? It depends on your roo... 
Cartridge upgrade for $600
Which MF? How much gain in the phono stage? What input impedance values are available on the phono inputs?Without knowing those specs any MC cartridge recommendation would be about as useful as recommending tires without knowing what car they're f... 
Record cleaning fluids
LOL! That's a fluid APPLICATOR for dispensing active enzymes... also a sensitive monitor of good taste.Look out Walker and AIVS, that's competition!  
Is a hearing aid the best possible tweak for 50+
I believe it is sloping down to 20 db down at 10,000 hertzOuch! Glad you found a practical solution. I'm blessed with less loss than average. 58yo and still hear test tones to ~15kHz. My 54yo partner has bat's ears, he hears tones @ 20kHz+.Who car... 
Lyra or ZYX ?
Very reasonable question, Pani. Having no familiarity with any SME arms except the VI and V, I defer to those who have. 
Record cleaning fluids
Just to maintain balance and confusion, I prefer AIVS (Audio Intelligent Vinyl Solutions) over the others I've tried.Now THAT'S a helpful thread! ;) 
Lyra or ZYX ?
Pani,That is indeed the purpose of the SB option. My suggestion as to tonearm weights assumed that your cartridge would have one. To my knowledge (and on my advice) the US distributor doesn't stock any ZYX cartridges without it (except perhaps the... 
Lyra or ZYX ?
I haven't heard a 3012 S2 (or any SME except the IV and V) but IF Dover's assessment is correct then I'd second his advice. In the whole scheme of things, a quality TT and tonearm are much more significant than a cartridge.I can put many $100-200 ... 
Lyra or ZYX ?
Pani,The only Lyra I've heard extensively enough to have a firm impression is the Olympos, a ~$10K model that's no longer made new. I've heard multiple samples of that cartridge in friends' systems and my own. I could blab on but it wouldn't be ve... 
Lyra or ZYX ?
According to various posts on the internet, the 3012 S2 had an eff. mass of 14g. From that perspective it's just massive enough to be viable, though ~18g would be better. Experience from someone who'd actually heard the combination would be better...