
Responses from dougdeacon

How Many Turntables Have You Owned
TriPlanar Tips
Michael, please do!Good one, Albert. Now let me explain about teasing... ;) 
TriPlanar Tips
Sbrown, I'm glad SOMEBODY noticed! You should see me in my best Levi's... care to buy me a drink? :-DFor the curious, there are some hints buried in that little indiscretion... :) 
Don't use this to lube your VPI Classic bearing
Actusreus, Sorry if my response seemed off target, but like VPI's manual your OP was also incomplete. You didn't state that you'd consulted the manual, had any familiarity with VPI's instructions or had doubts about their completeness. To an objec... 
VPI Service - I'm impressed
This thread makes an interesting contrast to the (currently) adjacent thread by a Classic owner who wouldn't pay VPI $26 for the bearing lube. To save (some portion of) that massive sum he went to the hardware and bought some (randomly selected?) ... 
Learned a valuable lesson about ambient noise
No question. Systems always sound better late at night (like 2am). Not only is there less ambient local noise, there's less noise on the electrical circuits too. We rarely do critical listening in the daytime in Summer because the A/C noise is too... 
Don't use this to lube your VPI Classic bearing
"Since you only need a little bit of it about once a year, $26 for the lube from VPI"... is trivial compared with the risk of ruining the bearing. It appears that your cheap gene overruled your common sense gene. Did you make any effort to ascerta... 
TriPlanar Tips
Lew, Our TriPlanar still has a UNIverse mounted on it. Glad you finally had the opportunity to hear one. We've enjoyed it since 2004, our infatuations being longer-lived than some. We've only recently heard a cartridge significantly better it. Can... 
TriPlanar Tips
Correction, it was Lew who mentioned Loktite. Sorry! 
TriPlanar Tips
Haven't checked back here in a while and missed the micro-burst of activity back in January. Thanks to 1kitch and Harrylime6 for reviving this thread. Glad it's still proving helpful/useful to new TriPlanar users.If some set of threads is very loo... 
How much is this worth?
1. List it for auction here or on ebay with no reserve 2. Describe the condition as "unknown"3. Its worth will be defined by the market (Econ 101)4. Send me 10% as a consulting fee  
Moving coil with a bit less leading edge
Frogman,Thanks for clarifying. You said it simply and clearly, and without any annoying overshoot/ringing on the leading edge. ;)Opus88,I didn't know what halls you frequent, so thanks for clarifying. I haven't been to the Musikverein or Concertge... 
Moving coil with a bit less leading edge
>>> ...the sounds I most frequently hear at live orchestral concerts rarely display the kind of clean, tight contours quite a few audiophiles prefer... If your experience of live orchestral music is that leading edges are rounded or that ... 
Turntable L/R Balance
Yes, but it was weird that the old inteconnects worked fine when hooked up one way but not the other.Some magical substance must be involved...  
Moving coil with a bit less leading edge
Opus,John's comments on the ZYX line are spot on. With regard to "smoothing":Gold coils > silver coilsSilver coils > copper coilsIt's not unexpected because it has nothing to do with conductivity, it's a function of inertia. Gold is massier ...