
Responses from dover

Worlds best DAC
And further to the above, the other digital system which I can listen to uses a power amp similar in architecture to the Devialet D-Premier which is supposedly the first product to feature a new form of amplification called ADH® (Analogue/Digital ... 
Worlds best DAC
Other than the non oversampling school such as Zanden, check out the Orpheus Heritage, built by Anagram Technologies, uses their most advanced chip sets which are not available to any other manufacturers.Unfortunately no digital will ever sound an... 
Tube Preamp Paired with Tube Phono Stage?
My experience is as per Lewm's and Syntax. I run MC's into 47k tube preamp, Marantz 7 modded, which although it is only 60db TOTAL gain, can easily handle MC's 0.3mv up with no noise. I also had a Klyne 7 which seems to emulate tube pre's in that ... 
Best Jazz pianist
Earl "Fatha" Hines 
General comments on SOTA
Whilst I agree that it is far better to have a rigid coupling between the motor and platter, on my old Sota Star Sapphire ( pre Cosmos ) I cured most of the speed stability by hacking into and regulating the DC PAPST motor, suggesting most of the ... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Halcro - On a more less contentious note I'll put forward an analogy to the MC/MM debate. Years ago I rewired my ET2 with Van den hul monocrstal silver wire. Everyone said it had more detail. I wasn't entirely comfortable, I perceived a pinched ef... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Halcro - wasn't having a go at your system, more the point that you cant generalise make substantive statements such as Lewm's above one way or the other. I have heard great sound from many types of cartridges - MI's ( Grado/Soundsmith ), MC's, St... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Hi all, I agree with Raul, in my experience there are situations where MM's are a better option. Firstly average mid priced MC's, eg Audio Technica OC9, often sound slewed, phasy and non linear, I have demonstrated to customers that a humble Sumik... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
"I theorize that the sense of increased detail with LOMC cartridges is due to their lesser ability to re-create the harmonic envelope of a voice or instrument, compared to the best of the MM or MI types."Totally presumptuous ironically from a hars... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Henry, now you might have a hint of what the Ikeda MC, which is Mr Ikeda's next generation cartriudge after the FR-7f, and has no cantilever, might sound like. I have owned 2 of them and believe me, if your arm/phono is up to it, and most aren't, ... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
That last post is superfluous. Digital doesn't resolve anything. Digital is an approximation of a sine wave, nothing more. I think you are in the wrong post. 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Banquo363 - I couldn't disagree with you more on multimiking. Most of my classical music section is from the 50's/60's. My view is multimiking destroyed sense of reality, imaging and resolution because - firstly in the real world we only have 2 ea... 
Lyra or ZYX ?
Pani - one other suggestion to check out. On the Platine Verdier you can put a steel or ceramic ball bearing into a cavity on top of the bearing axis. The bearing can be adjusted so that just a little weight, not more than a few hundred grams is h... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
3D or not to be...What a load of codswallop. Last time I was in San Francisco Amanda McBroom sang for me without a mike in one of the hotels private reception rooms. I could close my eyes and tell you that she was standing about 10ft out from the ... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Halcro - I'm pretty sure that the original Garrot P77 contains many internal mods/tweaks compared to the A&R cartridge it was based on. So if you have one of the originals - do not throw the guts away. It was always much more lively than the e...