
Responses from dover

The Problem with Synergistic Research
"In my system I still use SR cables -- in series with cables from HiDiamond, Bybee, Cardas, ASI Liveline and Supra LoRad (as a bridge connector with Oyaide plugs/IECs) to achieve the effects I am looking for."This is precisely why you guys have so... 
Anyone using a Lyra Delos yet?
Pani - what happened to your Nouvelle Platine Verdier 
The Problem with Synergistic Research
Sabai -SR 70% trade in deal :The Lifetime Upgrade Passport Program works as follows:You receive up to 70% back on the retail value of your original SR purchase regardless of the price you paid. This applies to any Synergistic Research product, eve... 
The Problem with Synergistic Research
Sabai, The reality is that you made the decision to spend your money, and you were obviously happy with your purchases. If you took your "outdated cables" out of the system and put them back in you would find they are still doing what they did whe... 
VDH Colibri XPP. Best Load impedance?
XPP - Colibri plastic body, platinum coils.Platinum is much more resistive than copper, so the 500 ohms is plausible.You should probably try and borrow a phono stage that has unlimited loading options eg Klyne 7, that you can try out.Alternately t... 
VDH Colibri XPP. Best Load impedance?
Well I think your response to Atmasphere above is quite rude.You asked for advice, then proceeded to dismiss it outright.The answer to your question is - there is no best load.It may vary depending on your arm/cartridge combination and phono stage... 
Glanz moving magnet cartridges
Hi Dgob, Which tonearm were you using with the Glanz G7, was it the Audiocraft ? 
kuzma stabi
I've got the Stereophile in question.Reviewed by Guy Lemcoe and compared to Well Tempered turntable with Fountainhead base.More transparent, significantly lower noise floor, and better pitch and timing than the WTT. Cartridges used in evaluation w... 
VDH Colibri XPP. Best Load impedance?
Why did you start this thread if you already know the answer. 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
I have a MC head amp built by Rito Andreoli under his electronics brand Blue Audio Systems Design, called The Star, it's the best SS step up I've heard, way more transparent than the Klyne 7 I had. 
Why does my system sound so shrill and distorted?
Hi - the Grado phono stage has 2 settings for gain on the bottom, have you got it on the low gain setting. 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Halcro/Nandric - back in the 80's I was sending about 10-15 cartridges per month to Garrots for retipping, both old and new - usually for a microscanner tip, mostly Koetsu's. I suspect that like any cartridge designer they could probably tell what... 
find exact center of tonearm bearing
If you use a set of dial calipers to measure the diameter of the bearing housing, then measure the spindle to front of housing instead - The pivot to front of bearing housing distance should be :Recommended pivot to spindle distance less ( 0.5 of ... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Garrot Bros -= when I was working with them in the mid 80's they had a modified NAD 3020 running into Brian's home made electrostatics. They had a preference for MMs and yes they loved to put the P77 after a MC for shock value. However they also a... 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
When I was in Germany a few years ago I looked at purchasing a Kebschull VV150 preamp. Was advised that it used internal MC transformers, located rear left inside. Relevance is not the gain, it is that as you know transformers are not universally ...