
Responses from dover

Best Cart for Delphi VI with SME V tonearm
Why would you not try the Ortofon A90 first on the new TT/Arm so that you can assess the difference in your system before making a decision on a new cartridge.. 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
Guys, remember that there are synthetic rubies and sapphire. All Rubies have faultlines. I note that Namiki Precision Jewel Company that used to make stylus tips, cantilevers and other cartridge components, also produces synthetic sapphire.With re... 
Moving coil with a bit less leading edge
Pani yes it is possible, try a good tube phono stage. 
Soundsmith Straingauge SG-200 cartridge system
Raul - what phono stage did you use when you listened to the SG. 
Who needs a MM cartridge type when we have MC?
MIMoving iron and induced magnet types (ADC being a well known example) have a moving piece of iron or other ferrous alloy is coupled to the cantilever (instead of a magnet), while a permanent, bigger magnet is over the coils, providing the necess... 
Technics SP-10 mkII speed adjustment question
Lewm,Not offended at all. I have learnt a lot from the various verbal jousts. I'm a great believer in learning what not to do is equally as valuable if not more so in learning what to do.I dont dislike the SP10mk3, for me the jury is out until I c... 
Soundsmith Straingauge SG-200 cartridge system
Spiritofmusic,I wouldn't touch a Decca. I have set up and listened to probably 15-20 samples, mostly tweaked by Garrot Bros. They have no cantilver, no compliance, and require robust tonearms to manage them. Although they are blindingly quick, the... 
More power for better sound at low volumes?
Mapman, You raise an excellent point with nearfield listening. I often use to pull my chair up to within 3 ft of the speakers ( Martin Logan CLS modded at the time ) and listen nearfield. I believe it removes the room effects and you get a much la... 
Technics SP-10 mkII speed adjustment question
Lewm, I've known the inventor of the mods for 25+ years and have followed the development of his system. Unfortunately there are many issues with his system outside of the turntable with which I have issues so I have to judge that particular SP10m... 
SME 312S versus SME V-12
The local distributor for Benz cartridges here checked out 2juki's offers recently. They were genuine, came from a friendly asian distributor who wanted to quit stock. I think this is his main business, opportunistic buying up of unwanted or surpl... 
More power for better sound at low volumes?
I concur with the 1st post, better resolution has to be an advantage at low listening levels. Lower noise floor in components is one way to improve resolution.I do note in my travels that in the US there is a tendency to overdampen rooms, and susp... 
Incredible new USB DAC from GOTO Unit USA
Maybe he is the Goto Gopher...and proud. 
The Problem with Synergistic Research
What I dont understand in this story is :Why would anyone spend time and money sending an interconnect back and forth from the manufacturer to simply solder a connection. Any competent local technician could do the job in less than 2 minutes and p... 
SME 312S versus SME V-12
Gotta say that the compression joint used to attach the 312S headshell to the arm would have to be one of the best in the business, much more solid and stable than the traditional bayonet fitting. It would be quite easy to remove all the junctions... 
Technics SP-10 mkII speed adjustment question
Lewm,"With the modification to the stator mounts, there is less energy dissipated in moving the stators, more precise speed correction by the servo, and far fewer events that trigger the servo. Everything gets even smoother than it was."But you qu...