
Responses from downunder

Vintage DD turntables. Are we living dangerously?
Hey Lew.   sorry - P3 is staying :-)Hi Raul - Both P3 and 1000mk3 are stock.  The technics is of interest as you can put a different tonearm onto it. I am planning to try my Thales Simplicity II to try and get a best of old world / new world.cheer... 
Vintage DD turntables. Are we living dangerously?
Hi Henry.No. That is a lot more expensive, has been modified and is in the US, so freight would be a killer. That was mpre a post for any potential US buyers. I am getting one locally, well from Perth. The guy had 3, and wanted to go down to 2.  A... 
Vintage DD turntables. Are we living dangerously?
I have a TECHNICS SL-1000MK3D coming in next week, which I am looking forward to. Finger crossed the freight company look after it.First up will be to use it with the EPC-P100C-MK4 Cartridge. 
Vintage DD turntables. Are we living dangerously?
Cool Lewperhaps lanquid is not what you implying as the Lo7D sound :-)Definition of languid1: drooping or flagging from or as if from exhaustion : weakarms too languid with happiness to embrace him — John Galsworthy2: sluggish in character or d... 
Thales Simplicity tonearm review in Stereophile.
I have owned the Thales Simplicity II for 6 months now. It is easily the best tonearm I have owned. It has transformed my TW Raven ac3 up several notches I did not think possible. I am now a big believer in the importance of a superior tonearm 
Vintage DD turntables. Are we living dangerously?
Very nice Lewm. Good to see you using it with a modern tonearmIts your best sounding turntable now?    What does it bring sonically that the others don't? 
Vintage DD turntables. Are we living dangerously?
Hi lewmHow is your technics SP10 mk3 configured?  that is plinth, tonearm and cartridge.cheers 
Audio Technica ART9 sounds awful
ninetynineI trust you have sent your ART9 back as its definately faulty. 
The Palladian-A step beyond
ART1000 has taken over Palladium as best cartridge in the world for this month?  :-) 
Tonearm cable recommendations
The best value tonearm cable and will beat many pricier models is the Furutech AG-12.  extremely well made and sounds great. 
The Palladian-A step beyond
So you buy a 10K Palladian cartridge, but you have to fork out another XX$$ to buy cartridge screws that work best with the Palladian. Give me a break.   They should be included - period.   Henry - you are not making Dietrich look good with this p... 
AFI FLAT Record Flatener
  I have owned my Orb DF-02 ( they make the Furutech and Air Tight units) and it has worked flawlessly.  It gets more use now than ever with all the 180gm vinyl that are dished.  Good to see another entrant on the market 
The Palladian-A step beyond
Reading the review - Dirk Sommer did not set the Palladian on the Simplicity tonearm. Why not? Sure would have been a more interesting and relevant review. He seemed to just compare the AS combo with the Simplicity with Trans Rotor/My Sonic Lab ca... 
Has anyone heard the Grundman pressing of WISH YOU WERE HERE
I don't have WYWH as I have a UK pressing.I have bought Piper, Saucer, Umma, More, Atom and Obscurred.Obscurred and More sound really good and the pick of the one's I have bought.I have UK pressings from Dark Side onwards, so the new reissues have... 
Has anyone heard the Grundman pressing of WISH YOU WERE HERE
Are you talking about the current digital 2016 vinyl reissues?