Responses from drubin
400-450Wpc Integrated to drive Thiel 2.3/2.4? Have you heard the A308 with the Thiels? If not, I'd certainly give that go before deciding you need more power. Especially with the 2.4's, I think it might be more than adequate. | |
XLD is a must for accurate Mac rips Very interesting, will be curious to hear about your findings with other selections. Was iTunes ripping set with Error Correction "on"? How do you have XLD rip settings configured? | |
cables for Harbeth shl5 Shill | |
Biwire oval 9's, single Zen Satori - surprised Borrow another pair of Zens and try biwiring with them. That way you isolate the variables, so you'll learn the impact of biwiring independent of a change in brand of cables. | |
What is your favorite tv theme song/composition? "Those Were the Days" from All in the Family . Great lyric.I loved the theme from Ben Casey. | |
Back In the Day There are far more product categories to upgrade in now, so that's a big factor. Depending on how far back in the day you go, digital was not part of the system, nor were high-end cables, room treatments, outboard power supplies, vibration control... | |
Power Cords Snake Oil ?? Hmmm...first post by Pierre620. I suspect a shill. | |
amarra or pure music..? There's also BitPerfect, which is downloadable for the Mac from Apple's App Store. $5. It's the most minimalist of all of these and works behind the scenes very reliably as you use iTunes to control your music. Switches between sample rates (an es... | |
Is upgrading worth it? Choose upgrades that make your music more enjoyable to you, not less. It can be done. | |
Movies/TV Shows Look like Video I've noticed this with a friend's newer TV, which has some LED elements in it. I hate the effect, except with sports.Along those lines, I also hate the digital projection I've seen in local movie theaters lately. They tout this as a feature, but c... | |
Von Schweikert VR-33 They are both towers but beyond that, I don't see much similarity in design or intended market. | |
cd's/SACDS to test highs? Just listen to a range of music you like. You'll know pretty quickly if the ribbons are more extended and sweet than what you're used to. | |
Any other Sony SS-AR1 owners out there? Audiozen, you could stand to learn some manners.feel sorry for those who took the plungehave to spend well over $20K to get an outstanding performing speaker. That thinking is for the stupid rich.Could you be any more insulting? | |
Lyngdorf RP-1 You have a very sophisticated system, including a superb analog front end. Do you feel you're losing anything, benefits aside, by adding A-D and D-A stages to the chain, not to mention the extra component and interconnects? | |
Clearaudio " Innovation" - What? Where'd you get Magnetic Drive? What Clearaudio offers is a ceramic magnetic bearing. From the english version of their German website:Ceramic-Magnetic-BearingThe Clearaudio CMB (Ceramic Magnetic Bearing) is a result of long-term research and deve... |