
Responses from dsper

Never Owned a Tube Amp and Want Advice
Does it do this on all sources? To be clear, I am talking about "bliss" and "sound" versus "blisss" and "ssound".It is not a problem on all CDs. Better recorded ones seem to be less of an issue.I had inserted my Hegel HD25 DAC and it was slight... 
Tekton Electron SE
Hi wisty,I would like to hear from other Electron owners as well. Thank you for posting this.I have had an of off line communication with one Tekton owner who posts a lot and and this person told me to "...get the biggest Tekton I could afford and... 
Never Owned a Tube Amp and Want Advice
Hi All, I reread this thread and want to thank you all for your comments and shared information. I did some more homework by reading other threads, referring to Harley's book, etc. and decided I needed "just do it" and purchase a tube amp.  I figu... 
Poor Fritz
hilde45 Plus 1 from me. kenjit It's a free country, but perhaps the comments would be less tone deaf if included in a different thread?Thanks for listening,Dsper 
Charging A Fee To Demo An Amplifier In A Brick & Mortar Store
I think the dealer's business model is not "sound".If the store is open, his time, like his inventory carrying costs, is simply overhead. The biggest draw for a bricks and mortar store is to hear equipment and share info with supposedly knowledgea... 
McCormack DNA with Schiit Preamp?
Very hard to find a McCormack RLD I have one and it is available.Contact me is you want to discuss further  
Confused as to where to go next...looking for warmth
Read millercarbon's thoughts again.I think he gives good advice, especially about procuring a good stereo amp and how guitars and cymbals should sound. 
Downside to R2R Ladder DACs?
...steer clear of used R2R DACs, since their reliance on high precision resistors causes them to sound best when new, and degrade fairly quickly...I think your sales person is trying to sell you a new DAC.My R2R DAC is a Theta ProBasic III that ... 
Never Owned a Tube Amp and Want Advice
Okay everyone, The Conrad Johnson LP66S was delivered on Sunday and secreted into the man cave. I set it up today while my better half was at exercise class: Theta ProBasic III DAC, PWT, PL Dialogue Premium, with the LP66S replacing the McCormack ... 
Never Owned a Tube Amp and Want Advice
pkatsuleas  wrote: Unfortunately, can't afford any Tannoys right now! ;-} They seem to be catching my eye lately as well, though I have never heard them. Seem to have a high cost even used.  
Never Owned a Tube Amp and Want Advice
A nice place to start.  What brand/number tubes came with it?   One quad of Penta Labs KT88SC, and one quad of JJ 6550. Seller claims they all test around 75 on his Knight KG-600....they were able to tell the difference. I wouldn't worry about ... 
Never Owned a Tube Amp and Want Advice
Hi All,I appreciate the discussion and advice.Figuring I had to start somewhere, I decided I had to start somewhere so I found a used CJ LP66S, and will go from there.Thought it would be a fairly low cost way to see if I can hear a tube difference... 
Never Owned a Tube Amp and Want Advice
OP, what is your preamp? Didn't see that mentioned anywhere. My suggestion would be to get yourself a good tube pre and see how you like it with your DNA 500.I currently use two tubed preamps - CJ 17LS2 and PL Dialogue Premium. In my listening... 
Never Owned a Tube Amp and Want Advice
Since this is a conversation about having enough power, what about going for a larger tube amp  like 100 wpc. This assumes that the 60 wpc amp builder can build an equal quality 100 wpc amp. While it might be waste of money, I would never have t... 
Never Owned a Tube Amp and Want Advice
Now 'peak power supply' as you put it might be a current rating that has to do with what happens when you short out the power supply, and might be stated in amps. This is really a statement of how much energy is stored in the supply (and how big...