
Responses from dsper

How NOT to sell an item on Audiogon
I always laugh when sellers describe how great the item is that they are trying to sell. If it is that great, then why sell it? I guess I am trying to say that I would appreciate honesty from the seller on this point. Otherwise very humorous threa... 
oppo 105d mod or look for a new cd player ?
I have the full Oppo 105 ungrade from EVS and think that Ric Schultz did a great job.The rest of my digital system is PrimaLuna Dialogue Premium Pre, W4S amp, and Maggie 3.6's.In my system, the modded Oppo 105 beat out a $5K Esoteric in an in-home... 
If you could bring back one great artist that has
Janis Joplin and Amy Winehouse - both had voices and material to develop and mature 
Subwoofer recommendation for jazz and rock
Not to be offensive in any way but are you sure that the CD player and cartridge are up to the task?I found that getting these right can help with hearing what there is to hear. 
Help choosing an amp for Thiel 2.7s
For what it is worth I am running a pair of Thiel 3.6s with a W4S ST1000, 1100 watts into 4 ohms. No problem. 
Oppo BDP-105D mods
I second the advice to call EVS and discuss the Oppo with Ric Schultz 
Looking for really fine cables at really low price
Hi,I am a newbie to interconnects discussions but I use Cullen Cables as an upgrade from the base cheap stuff that I started with a number of years ago.My Oppo 105 modified by Rick Schultz got me started as initially I did not like the sound of th... 
Prima Luna Premium Pre
I read this thread and could not resist.For what it is worth, I have had in home preamp auditions with ARC, Rogue, and BAT products in the $3,000 to $5,000 range.None could top my $2000 W4S STP SE in my system (Maggie 3.6, W4S ST 1000, Ric Schultz... 
SACD & other Formats
The trick about CD and SACD, or any comparison, is that you need to get the volume equal from either source in blind testing.Wonder what we would say if we could do that? 
First Turntable Advice
The other posters will not like this advice:If you are just starting do not spend a lot of money to buy the name.Find a used Technics 1200 and see if you even like vinyl. Reasonably priced,very easy to set up, and not a bad table. 
SACD & other Formats
Musichead,Before you take the plunge, read Roger Sanders (Sanders Sound) white paper regarding CD's and SACD's. He believes that SACD is inferior to CD and explains why - it actually makes sense...?!Then buy the Oppo 105 and get it modded.Dsper 
Rock and roll speakers?
XiekitchenNot sure about that double stack of Advents. I set up my two pair less than a month ago. They have redone woofer surrounds and updated capacitors.Just not that resolving and they sounded small. Went back to my Maggie 3.6's, which are not... 
Bi-Amping Maggie 3.6 Questions
I appreciate the advice. Thanks for taking the time to explain what I am sure is basic 
Bi-Amping Maggie 3.6 Questions
Thank you for the responses!I assumed that what I was suggesting was probably wrong and you confirmed it. So...if you vertically biamp, you do not need a crossover if you have two identical amps, correct? 
Digital Amplifier Questions
back to the Op - W4S manual said to leave the ST1000 on all of the time.