
Responses from dsper

Buying Without Audition
You have to find a way to listen.Plan a three or four day weekend around attending a show or traveling to a city where there are some dealers.Good luck! 
Looking for the good sounding Pre Amplifier
I second the Prima Luna. I moved up to the Dialogue Premium from a Prolugue and have been very happy. 
Preamp recommendation please..
Hi aolmrd, I have a pair that were in my old Prima Luna preamp so you are right that I should try them..How would say that they change the sound?Dsper 
Preamp recommendation please..
I had an in house audition of a Krell 302 e with my Prima Luna Dialogue Premium  with CBS 12au7's. This is with Thiel CS5's. I thought that the Krell sounded a bit, well, shrill to my ears.Whatever you do, get a test drive first if you can.Dsper 
Preamp upgrade opinion...
For what it is worth, I tried a Pass X350 with my Primia Luna Dialogue Premium and thought is sounded good, if a bit polite for my taste. 
Thiel Owners
Hi All,I have been reading this thread and just have to tell you where I am at with my CS5's and amp search.My system used to be Maggie 3.6's but I obtained an inexpensive pair of CS3.6's which I liked a lot and then saw an ad for some CS5's so I ... 
I use Fed Ex ground for all my shipments and have had no problems. Also, my experience is that Fed Ex is less costly. Finally, if the OEM carton is so valuable, then buy another "shipping" carton within which to place it when you ship it. Common s... 
Basic Interconnect Question
Well I know how to ask the right question.This must be one of the few threads where everyone (but the OP) is on the same page.Thank you for the sound advice! 
OPPO BDP 103/105, sound quality???
Hi lucidear,This was in 2103 and it was the SA-10.This was before Ric Schultz modified my Oppo 105.Dsper 
OPPO BDP 103/105, sound quality???
Oppo 105By the way, I home auditioned a $4000 Esoteric CD player and no way was it worth $3000 more than the Oppo 105.Dsper 
Vintage Krell Amp... Which would you choose?
Hey RCPrince, There is also a recapped 300S for sale out of NY - think that may be enough oomph? 
Speaker Hiss with Krell Amp
Guys, I like my Prima Luna Dialogue Premium preamp which is unbalanced and I really do not want to mess with this problem as the Krell has not reached out and grabbed me to say this is the one.Thanks for the input!For the money I guess I need to t... 
Speaker Hiss with Krell Amp
Well Stereo5 that is what I am thinking given all the info about noise floor and retrieval of low level detail not to mention something could be wrong with it. I also know that there are not connectors between the XLR pins so Almarg could have thi... 
Parasound Halo JC-1 for Thiel CS 5i
Here is my latest critique of my in home auditions of stereo amps with Thiel CS5's. I use a Prima Luna Dialogue Premium Preamp, Cullen interconnects, and a Rich Schultz modified Oppo105. Not running vinyl right now.The Thiels are three feet from t... 
Hegel Amps with Thiels
Well for what it is worth, I am deciding that the Hegel H20 amp just does not cut it for me with the Thiel CS5's.The bass is great and there is a lot of detail, however, I am not hearing quite the separation of instruments in the mix that I want. ...