
Responses from dwest1023

Accuphase, fuses
tecknik   I am running a Accuphase 380  
Hifi Rose 150 and my audio journey
Congrats! I had purchased the HI FI. Rose 130. Found a very good deal on it. However I sold it as it did not work well in my system. I ended up with a Aurender, and it worked perfect in my system. I’ve had both Eversolo A6, A6 master,and the A8. T... 
Aurender Conductor App Question
When I select my playlist it fills most of the screen except a small section on the left, that is the queue. I am not sure if I answered your question.  
Accuphase, fuses
Rfpirce, it may be awhile before I have a listen to my Accuphase. I do a rotation with my amps and speakers. I always use my Pass amp in winter. Cuts down on the heating bill! As good as the Accuphase sounds, the purple fuse will take it up an inc... 
Accuphase, fuses
I thought I was the only one. I had the orange fuse and it was just awful in my PassLabs. So much so, it had me changeing cables to fix the harshness. The purple IMO is Devine. Everything just sounds more effortless, and musical with natural trebl... 
Accuphase, fuses
FYI, yes the purple fuse is better sounding than the blue fuse. After seeing this thread I just ordered a purple fuse for my Accuphase. I have one in the Pass 250, my mac and hegal. All sound better with the purple.   
Have Luxman 509x. Considering Pass Labs INT-250 or Dan D’Agostino Progression Integrated
I own several integrates, and one is the Pass 250. It replaces a Pass 60. The pass in my system sounds natural with a hint of warmth. Lovely engaging midrange and bass seems to be dependent on what feeds to it. It seems to just get out of the way ... 
New streamer
My 2cents. I have owned the Eversolo A6, A6master with LPS. Eversolo A8, Rose 130, and now the Aurrender N200. Im my system which consist of Pass intergated 250 and deaneries Plus 12th anniversary dac. The N200 was on another level from the others... 
Accuphase E380 or E4000 integrated amp important from Japan
You have to check ebay from time to time. I purchased a Accuphase 380 for a very good price. I see that they have since gone up in price. Mine was converted supposedly by the factory. From inspection  there was no sign whatsoever of any modificati... 
Finally got a Luxman
Congrats! I know the feeling. I always wanted a McIntosh , just for the blue meters! Finally could afford one as well as a Accuphase amp. Someday I might add a Luxman as I always wanted one of those too.   
Eversolo dmp A6 vs Master edition vs Z8
IMO and in my system I found the A8 to sound better than the R130. As you know the A6 has a very forward sound. In my small listening room, it was just too much in my face. I purchased the 130, and at first, I thought it sounded very good. However... 
Impulsive drive to buy the EverSolo dmp-A8 or should I wait ? That is the question.
The A8 is next level for sure. I even had the LPS in my master, and the A8 was much better.  
Impulsive drive to buy the EverSolo dmp-A8 or should I wait ? That is the question.
I have owned all 3 eversolo models and there software integrations is very good with no bugs i came across. Very easy to use and can do everything. CD rips, and natively streams everything. Sound quality is superb, Night  and day different from th... 
Eversolo dmp A6 vs Master edition vs Z8
Sure, I used a Schitt yggy, Denefries Pontius 2, and a Denefries Terminator 2 Plus Anniversary. The amp used was a Passlabs 250 with Dynaudio special 40's.  
Aurender Conductor V4 issues
fthompson251 OP I have a n200 conductor 4 with the same issue as you. I also use an iPad.