
Responses from effischer

How many will listen to tape and vinyl in the next century?
This may not be the jesting question you could suppose.  I presently live in Milan Township, OH.  For those of you who don't recognize that name, it's the birthplace of Thomas Edison.  Guess how many 100+ year old Edison cylinders are still played... 
Do they make a quiet great sounding phono pre amp??
Here's a SS unit that's well reviewed and within your budget:  https://www.audiogon.com/listings/phono-sutherland-20-20-mc-mm-phono-pre-solid-state-quite-dynamic-w...  I looked at it very hard and was favorably impressed before I decided to go wit... 
Greatest song titles..
Several Species of Small Furry Animals Gathered Together in a Cave and Grooving with a Pict.  Pink Floyd. 
THE most sonically dissappointing (lp) you own of great music?
Steely Dan Katy Lied.  Have a mid-80s reissue, a mid-90s CD and the MFSL.  They are all awful.  Flat, lifeless and totally disappointing. 
Obscure bands
Forgot a couple from my earlier post:  Be Bop Deluxe and Lil' Georgie and the Shufflin' Hungarians.  BBD was semi-popular back in the day, but I understand that Bill Nelson was a pain and things fell apart.Lil' Georgie was a Northeast / Mid-Atlant... 
Help Picking a turntable
Very solid advice by mofi, lowrider & sbank above.  With hardware, I prefer Sota and Rega along with Ortofon & Dynavector, but hardware suggestions are irrelevant at this point.  You have a tasty ARC rig that is capable of revealing very m... 
Ortofon Red vs. Ortofon Blue
I agree with motif (my 2M Red is just fine for general purpose listening), and I'm given to understand that a very quick upgrade is to simply purchase a Blue replacement stylus and use it in the Red body.  Run a search as this has been discussed h... 
What has your audiophile experience taught you about yourself?
Ultimately, it really is all about the music.  Gear that makes listening more enjoyable - yes.  Anything else, no.  Fooled around for years thinking the latest was the greatest.  Then I got a Sony CDP-101 and realized that progress for the sake of... 
Turntable Options
@skipk - This doesn't really address the OP's queries, but might give him some food for thought.My experience with DV has always been outstanding, and I feel they are one of the very best cartridge companies out there.  My story:  I had used the M... 
I just went to put in a $4.00 add and now I have to give my whole financial history.....
Users are not permitted control of these things because they're "users" and not "customers."  I was more irritated with the incorrect UPS shipping charge calculation on a recent sale.  The app seems based on commercial location delivery, not resid... 
how do you handle your clean records?
+1 cleeds.  That's the method I've been using for 40+ years and it hasn't failed yet.  Vinyl records are pretty resilient, too.  The only time I've ever damaged a record surface was a vertical abrasion against a sandstone hearth when I was careles... 
Yes "Fragile" How great of an album is it?
Have most of their stuff and have seen them quite a few times and in different formats.  The Yes Album, Close to the Edge and Fragile should all be in any progressive rock fan's collection.  My personal favorites are Relayer, Tales from Topographi... 
Obscure bands
Iceberg (Spain), Tantra (Portugal), Hawkwind (Australia)+1 for Ambrosia & April Wine. 
Please help value these speakers
Can't clearly see the back panel of the Rogers, but if they are 15 ohm versions, they should be worth something like $1750, possibly more depending on how good the cabinets are and if they are in excellent operating condition.  8 ohm versions and ... 
2 recent, weird and isolated issues with BD playback
@tonykay @cleeds @oddiofyl Was just able to follow-up on this with McIntosh directly after trying re-initialization and checking for firmware updates again (none available).  The 20th Century Fox BD problem is apparently a hardware issue since the...