
Responses from elevick

A better matched amp for my Totem Speakers?
Totem are not the most efficient? Maybe you need more power, not just a new amp. 
Do I need more power?
GET A SUB!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You will need to go to at least 120 watts of tubepower to notice a difference and most mini monitors can not handle that much. Also, according the owner of Janis (premium sub builder), by removing all signal below 100hz, yo... 
Mixing SS and Tubes
Starting with only part of your system tubed is easiest. If you have a hum or .... it is a lot easier to track down. It is also a lot easier to compare different tubes (rolling) when the rest of the system is solid state. It seems that tube proble... 
Yamaha T-2 tuner lamp replacement
If you have the guts to open it up, I probably have the bulb for the cost of shipping only($1). What can you hurt by unplugging it and taking a look inside?Emfoods@yahoo.com 
New tubes for SFL-1 / SFS40
New tubes will change the sound but maybe not as you like. You should try changing your gain tubes first with NOS telefunken or mullards and see if that is going the right direction. Many times you will get better sound with these than new tubes. ... 
What to look for in a sub?
Hi,Energy makes an awesome/tiny 8" sub for next to nothing. Paradigms are nice too. Any bigger and I'd consider Hsu. I hated my sunfire-buzz/humm and it danced around when worked hard. Pinnacle Baby Boomers are supposed to be really nice and tiny.... 
Review: Optimus LX-5 Monitor
Try updating the midbass drivers! I've been told that Madisound has a nice replacement. 
Has anyone installed Surge Protection at AC panel?
I put in a 200amp unit for my whole house. It definitely works. I've never blown a power strip/fuse/surge protector since. The unit cost about $400 and took the electrician 1/2 day to install. It's worth it. It still will not prevent spike within ... 
Using Power Conditioner to power on/off bad idea?
I use an adcom 515. In the instructions, it says that it is fine to use the power switch for the whole system. Many good quality line conditioners will have delays built in to soften the current spikes and "thumps" to your speakers.They wouldn't p... 
Review: Antique Sound Labs MG SPM8 Tube amp
If you found a fault in these amps, time to start tweaking. Try some better quality tubes! It will make a lot of difference. Try some telefunken or mullard in place of the stock tubes-even some very low noise svetlana or tesla. 
Best bargain find ever ?
An unkown buyer bought a single rare tube from me for $5. I sold it cheap since we were both regulars on this site. Well, it turned out to be for a very old friend of mine $1500 miles away. We keep in much better contact now and still laugh about ... 
Best processor/reciever for 800 ? Sony, Adcom?
I bought and returned the Sony 5ES & Yamaha 2200. The denon3802, rotel, marantz7200, Integra 6.2 and others never even made it home. I was upgrading from the Marantz 880 and found the two most musical and clean sounding. The sony doesn't do mu... 
Help on amp choice.
Sunfire!!!!!!!!!! Aragon is harsh, carver is flat, B&K ok, Adcom monoblocks aren't in sunfires class. 
Tube Hum?
I agree, you have a noisy tube. Return it if you can. Don't try to glue it unless you have high heat glue? Last resort, I have an NOS pair of Sylvanias, interested? 
ARC amps, Bias how often between replacing tubes?
Don't bias your tubes unless you think something is wrong, ie. if one or more tubes glow incredibly compared to the others or if one channel is fading out. Tubes should last years unless you listen a heck of a lot. You can always take your tubes t...