
Responses from elevick

CD player with USB and Coaxial out - does such a thing exist?
It's all about bit rate that your dac samples at.  Traditional redbook cd's are 16 bit.  Higher quality ones are 24 bit.  Some Dacs are running at 32 bit these days.If you desire high definition music much of it is either 24/192 or even 24/384.   ... 
I have question about frequency response and power issues
The M1's have amazing bass.  They love power and are fairly inefficient.  If I'm correct, they are 83db at 1 watt and run 6 ohms and they drop to 4 ohms.  Why don't you try bi-amping these?Also, keep in mind that a speaker's wattage rating doesn't... 
CD player with USB and Coaxial out - does such a thing exist?
I have both Music Fidelity units.  24/96 and a 24/192 for the Vlink II.  It's called an SPDIF converter.  If you can't find one, let me know.  I'd be willing to part with the 96. 
To bridge or run conventionally
If you don't bridge it, you wasting 2 channels.  However, many times bridging an amp will increase distortion levels.  You can very easily try both ways.  You should get a lot more volume bridged.  (just make sure you disconnect the power before b... 
Klipsch Heresy Speakers circa 1976...Cabinet wood question.
Mine were plywood.  You can pull a driver to see the unfinished edges.  The commercial version may have been chipboard.  Those were always textured black finish if I recall??? 
Neil Young - Guitarist
Songwriting skills...he's got Daryl Hannah now!  Multi talented genius. 
Tidal, Deezer
My whole family uses Tidal a lot.  The sound quality is great and they have a fairly good selection. I "off-line" a lot of content.  It is stored on your phone but you need Tidal with a valid subscription to listen.  It's really easy to download m... 
Looking for amp advice (punk, rock & reggae edition)
Doubling your wattage will only get you 3db.  To double the perceived volume you need 10db.  You will need about 200wpc to make a difference.  Punk needs power.   
What Center Channel are you using in your Home Theater?
Have you tried adjusting the modes and crossover in your pre?  You need a mode that emphasizes dialogue.  I think you will have more problems if you have an unmatched center.  It's not matched for the looks but for timbre and music flow across the... 
Stereo Preamp to pair with Carver
Why not restore a c-19?  .Tube phone stage and all 
Speaker facade
I assumed that they are trying to reduce reflections on the front by having flat or textured surfaces??? 
PMC Passive Studio Monitors For My HiFi?
15 watts at 90db will run out of steam easily.  You won't get much bass.  I run 10.5 watts into 94db speakers and can't push it. 
Best Music Streaming Hardware Options
I use my phone for Tidal and run it through a Chord Hugo.  The hugo has inputs for a mini usb or can stream bluetooth.  Now that Hugos are going for under $1k I consider them a steal.  The Hugo sound to me is much richer and smoother than the the ... 
Sister's wants music system without the hassles!
PS Audio Sprout??? 
OPPO bdp105 vs Arcam udp411?
My 105 isn't as good as I had hoped.  The function and features are great.  For music, all of my DACs beat it (Schiit Bifrost, Emotive UMC200 and of course my Hugo killed it).  If it is for music only, check out the Cambridge 840/84.  It has digit...