
Responses from elevick

Tyr 2 vs Valhalla v2
Skrymar,A group of us attended a Nordost demo at a local shop.  The Nordost rep was great and really didn't try to play games.  He did a complete power cable comparison on the CD player only-keeping all else equal on this $50k system.The stock cor... 
Need Recommendations on a CD Player
That's still the best sounding single disc player I've ever heard for under $2k. 
Switching from solid state to tubes
Theater definitely seems like the afterthought here.  To have really good sounding theater you need the LCR all the same speakers and same amps.  You could go with a smaller Sonus center that is voiced the same.  But, your post here is for tube am... 
Short of running new, dedicated 15 or 20 amp lines for audio, what can I do here?
Leave the lights off and buy a lamp 
SACD vs. Blu-Ray for audio quality/sonics
I'm thinking of what i have to do with my oppo 105.  cds and sacds are easy to play.  dvda and blue rays either need the tv on so i can use the menus or i have to sit right in front of the tiny oppo display.  my old denon was the same way.I wasnt ... 
SACD vs. Blu-Ray for audio quality/sonics
Blue Ray means that you need a tv to play discs.  That alone sends me to SACD since we are doing audio only. 
ROGAINE - Have you noted improved hearing with use?
It helps with scalp circulation at best.  If you are getting it all over your ears, then you are using too much.  There have been studies about the negative side effects of using too much-see for yourself.Also, if you start rubbing it all over you... 
Pros and cons of vintage Dynaco ST-70
Think of it this way, they were designed when speakers had much more limited frequency response and digital music didn't exist.  I've played with a lot of vintage Dynaco gear and am not thrilled.  They need modded.   
hooking up subwoofer to 2 channel tube amp
Check out REL subs.  They connect through the speaker outs on your amp but only augment the base without involving a crossover. 
Looking for a reasonably priced good quality interconnect
Nordost Blue Heaven, interconnects and power cords 
Cary SLP 05 - When To Replace Tubes?
I would expect 5000 hours.  You need to get them tested.  The rectifier will last even longer.Blame the sound on the power cord. They do need break in time. 
Cone impedance question
http://businessfinder.pennlive.com/7275198/TriState-Loudspeaker-ReConing-Aliquippa-PATri State Loudspeaker outside of Pittsburgh can rebuild virtually any speaker.  They are not fast and usually inexpensive.  They get shipments from all over the w... 
I need help, please? Listening to my system through music!
http://www.acousticzen.com/products/loudspeakers/floorstandingThe manufacturer rates the Zens at 89 db, 6ohms and minimum amp rating of 50 watts.What inspired you to go so far off base with that amp?  I don't think even 60 watts would do it for yo... 
Does anyone use hearing aids when listening to your hi-fi audio system?
I went through this with my dad.  Hearing loss is not equally distributed.  There's a couple of options that help.  You can go with mono and just lose some imaging.  Another option is headphones-you would most likely want a headphone amp with a ba... 
How could 100 Watt class a has more head room than a 300 Watt amp Class AB
Timlub, sorry to do the math for you but 100 watts will gain 3db every time the wattage doubles.  200 watts +3db, 400 watts +6db.You will be hard pressed to tell the difference in amp power when comparing most a really good 100 watt class A to an ...