
Responses from elliottbnewcombjr

Somebody knows these speakers brand and model?
quick search https://www.google.com/search?q=Bowers+%26+Wilkins+DM-6&rlz=1C1SQJL_enUS881US881&oq=Bowers+%26+Wilkins+DM-6&aqs=chrome..69i57j0l7.2343j0j9&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 old audiogon discussion of them popped up https... 
Screw on banana/spade connectors
Any interconnect cable needs a ’joint’ at each end.Speaker wires, ground spade:These spades or banana male are loved by many (me). http://www.wbtusa.com/pages/bananas_spades.html Cut off anything, strip, nice fresh wire, attached.Get pairs of diff... 
Phono preamp comparison question
I don't know anything about them.I will say, the Dynavector is incredibly versatile, however, you need to fully understand a lot to use it properly.I will suggest, you might also want to consider comparing Solid State Phono to Tube Phono, the diff... 
Loudness Button
related recent threadsbalance knobhttps://forum.audiogon.com/discussions/balance-knob/post?highlight=low%2Bvolume%2Bboost&postid=1...tone controlshttps://forum.audiogon.com/discussions/toole-and-why-i-like-tone-controls/post?highlight=low%2Bvo... 
Loudness Button
I am a strong Promoter of ’proper use’ of’ LoudnessLoudness (weird name) ought to be called ’LOW VOL BOOST" or something similar.Mostly mis-understood; mis-adjusted- thus mis-liked.lots of my yap here elliottbnewcombjr524 posts02-07-2020 9:12amA S... 
Sorbothane record weight?
these look like fun, but I don't know about getting them off, if they would last a long time. https://www.ebay.com/i/264452748634?rt=nc&_trkparms=aid%3D1110001%26algo%3DSPLICE.SIM%26ao%3D2%26asc%3D20160908110712%26meid%3D5ba3256f7d10494288c77... 
Sorbothane record weight?
reel to reel rubber holders work perfectly, the diameter of LP spindle and R2R spindle is identical.Push on, it presses the center of the LP down, and grips the spindle. It comes off easily when you lift it sideways just a bit. Nothing could be ea... 
Old FM Tuners....O.K., Great or Folklore...
most people have never heard great FM, everyone is shocked at how good FM sounds at my house.No matter what, get a dedicated FM Antenna.I am in love with my tube tuner/preamp from McIntosh, mx110z, made between 1962 and 1969. Simply Awesome. http... 
TT, 12" Tonearm. Who tried and ended up preferring 12" arm?
Oh Boy, I did it, Black Bird from Russia, longest 12":, actually effective 12.5", 317mm. Wonderful, but not easy, my comments here: https://forum.audiogon.com/discussions/12-1-2-arm-newartvinyl-black-bird-yea-or-nay Long arm quest led to large... 
12-1/2" arm. NewArtVinyl Black Bird. Yea or Nay?
Worked, absolutely no hum!It is stupendously amazing that the tiny groove, microscopic stylus, extremely thin wires, cable, preamp, amp can move 15" woofers and horns to great volumes.Incredible.I ordered a nice Ortofon Phono Cable (using temp now... 
12-1/2" arm. NewArtVinyl Black Bird. Yea or Nay?
OMG, https://www.ebay.com/itm/tonearm-tonarm-12-long-NewArtVinyl-BLACK-BIRD12-5-CARBON/233349199295?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2057872.m2749.l2649 I took the risk, bought it. Installed, wonderful. LONG, effective Length is 12-5",... 
Stereo Receivers from the past...
those speakers are very low efficiency, so consider desired volume before picking your amp's power wpc General Description: 2-way bookshelf speakerEnclosure Type: Bass reflexMidbass Driver: 125mm woven Kevlar coneTreble Driver: 25mm fabri... 
In-ceiling: Am I wasting my money?
ceiling only, nooooooo, change the room decor, change your spouse, move!!! 
I advise starting ’good enough’, and seeing if you get into Vinyl, then upgrade part by part (not bit by bit). 1. TT. this TT is plenty good to start with, I used it for many years. later, when hooked you will know more and upgrade. $230. https://... 
Amplifiers weight
My MC2250 weighed 80 lbs. It was a gift, so, Zero per pound. Until, moving it out of a low shelf, I got a torn meniscus in my knee, surgery, .... it turned out to be a darn expensive amp.