
Responses from elliottbnewcombjr

New TT for ~$1500
technics linear tracking in Virginia, USA https://www.usaudiomart.com/details/649591139-rare-technics-sl-m3-quartz-controlled-direct-drive-linear-tracking-turntable/  
New TT for ~$1500
I don't know about Pioneer'svery tempting pioneer, long 11-1/8" armone pivot, two arms: S and Straight (same easy VTA on the Fly as my Acos Lustre gst 801) https://www.ebay.com/itm/Pioneer-PL-70L-ll-Turntable-in-Excellent-Working-Condition/333556... 
New TT for ~$1500
jvc single arm, affordable start https://www.ebay.com/itm/Victor-JL-B-41-Direct-Drive-record-Player-audio-musical-turntable-33-45-rotation/264695727788?_trkparms=ispr%3D1&hash=item3da11846ac:g:uHsAAOSwmWFekJkX&enc=AQAEAAACcIQvEcHUrT7nmUC3... 
New TT for ~$1500
thanks, I thought you might know. 
New TT for ~$1500
anyone recognize this tonearm???? https://www.ebay.com/itm/202864324336?ul_noapp=true thanks, Elliott 
New TT for ~$1500
Oh yeah, I am damn glad I persevered, love this vintage dual arm turntable, JVC TT81 Spinner in 70mm thick 7 layer plinth, two removable armboards, also special layering1 vintage 9" arm, Acos Lustre GST 801 for monounique magnetism system, easiest... 
New TT for ~$1500
chackster,very good advice regarding potential shipping damage, especially these large heavy plinths, dust covers, tonearms, plastic feet ....Making a claim, return, problem can be quite difficult, and check with PayPal BEFORE PAYING, you might no... 
New TT for ~$1500
from Croatia, OMG https://www.ebay.com/itm/Small-Audio-Manufacture-Aldebaran-Turntable-with-2-Brass-Tonearms-belt-drive/273650164431?hash=item3fb6d222cf:g:PG0AAOSwyApcN8XH https://www.ebay.com/itm/Small-Audio-Manufacture-Brass-Renegade-Turntable-... 
New TT for ~$1500
Chackster, what have you to say about this auction site?denon dk-2000 dual arm plinth with dust cover, $300. usd, https://www.hi-fi.ru/auction/detail/1147688?refsource=hifishark seems he will give an alternate price to include a DP-80 or other s... 
New TT for ~$1500
instant dual arm setup, add cartridges, playDenon DK-2000 Dual Arm PlinthDenon DP-3000 TurntableDenon DA-308 Long Tonearm, 11-1/8" effective length??? 9" rear arm https://www.ebay.com/itm/Denon-Dp-3000-Dk-2000-Analog-Player-With-Double-Arm-DA-308-... 
New TT for ~$1500
JVC Victor Spinner TT61, what say you?I ended up with TT81, but I am thinking, for residential use, less costly TT61 is probably equal in performance, even if further developments were made.Yes? 
New TT for ~$1500
here's Denon DP-80 from Japan, prior one was from Russia https://www.ebay.com/itm/Denon-DP-80-DK-300-Direct-Drive-Turntable-in-Excellent-Condition-Vintage/153895237352?hash=item23d4def6e8:g:3aQAAOSwgj9ekoaJ I really like the dual arm potential o... 
New TT for ~$1500
Vlad's list of ads on Canadian site. They pay no fee there, so can sell for less or take offers less than their listings on eBay. https://www.canuckaudiomart.com/userads.php?user_id=10089  
Width of Stage
I have several sets of content: i.e. Beatles, Sgt. Peppers; others,CD; LP; Reel to Reel Tape. Invariably everyone prefers LP to Cd and prefers R2R to LP.I had 300 wpc McIntosh SS, and 30 wpc tubes. Invariably ...tubes!It defies 'noise' logic, and ... 
2 amplifiers connected to 1 set of speakers