Responses from elliottbnewcombjr
TT, 12" Tonearm. Who tried and ended up preferring 12" arm? MICROSCOPE.Final, repeat, FINAL part of this step up is to get a Microscope to really see Stylus.What power is enough? Too much is too shallow focus depth I believe.I see units that clamp on cell phone cameras, ...?USB to computer? | |
TT, 12" Tonearm. Who tried and ended up preferring 12" arm? I'll definitely be testing my existing cartridges in the 7082 arm with the Shure V15 torture LP with resonance test bands, as well as the Victor ZS1 that is already in it. | |
Tonearm ...... Acos Lustre GST-801 ..... Yea/Nay uberwaltz I try to chase less rabbits than many here do!!!Probably because of this rabbit tale.Age 16, travelling across USA with my friend, his relatives in New Mexico took us out to the desert to hunt Jack Rabbits.I had low cut hiking shoes, ... | |
Tonearm ...... Acos Lustre GST-801 ..... Yea/Nay chakster LOL, famous last words is right.But after this big step up, I will coast happily for quite a while. Unless what I bought is defective, hopefully not.I have to fix my friends TT. He has an awesome system. We listened to a new sealed vin... | |
Tonearm ...... Acos Lustre GST-801 ..... Yea/Nay lewm Appearance and Function. Audio rack supporting this is 23" deep x 47" wide, table height.3 thick glass shelves, each floating on isolators on 3 bentwood frames, each 4" radius corners. I have a 6" high wood riser/base on top of the top g... | |
Tonearm ...... Acos Lustre GST-801 ..... Yea/Nay gibsonian I'm excited to have found it, and been given a link to one with all parts at a great price. It will arrive thursday. TT arrives tuesday, I'll try to take my time.I'll check out the lift, let everyone know it's condition.Co-incidentall... | |
Tonearm ...... Acos Lustre GST-801 ..... Yea/Nay You are a funny man, I learned that here https://www.google.com/search?q=mae+west+peel+me+a+grape&rlz=1C1SQJL_enUS881US881&oq=mae+west+peel+me+a+grape&aqs=chrome..69i57j0l2.12943j1j4&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 | |
Tonearm ...... Acos Lustre GST-801 ..... Yea/Nay rauliruegas I did see and read your post, (and everyone's) thanks. You have been quite helpful as have others. I clicked both links, they didn't go directly to something, I hopped around, searched, didn't work out. This project grew and grew... | |
Tonearm ...... Acos Lustre GST-801 ..... Yea/Nay Your right,This morning I ordered a Jico Shibata for my Shure V15VxMR to get it going again. I've been mad at it due to the brittleness of the stylus I broke years ago. This one is boron, caution will be exercised.As a test I cleaned a really dirt... | |
Tonearm ...... Acos Lustre GST-801 ..... Yea/Nay found tonearm database http://www.edsstuff.org/docs/tonearm_specifications.htm mass of my 2 arms is not there, still looking for their mass ___?........................interesting how the null points vary for each arm, I've been using my Shure V... | |
Cartridge, Compliance, try what in my JVC UA-7082 Arm? found this. Is it about right?" The only way to accurately measure system resonance is with a calibrated low frequency test record and a chart recorder, or other sophisticated test equipment. Since most of us do not possess this capability, it is... | |
Tonearm ...... Acos Lustre GST-801 ..... Yea/Nay Ortofon chart, for 20uN/mm:total mass range 9-25g, ideal around 13g if I read the curve right.Who knows the Mass of JVC-UA-7082 Arm _____?Mass of Acos Lustre GST-801 Arm _____? | |
Tonearm ...... Acos Lustre GST-801 ..... Yea/Nay Happy New Year Everyone, and thanks again for all your help with this exciting project. I will ask Grado what frequency.I just tested my old AT440ml cartridge. It's wonderful on clean records, toooo noisy on used ones I acquired along the way. May... | |
Whats on your turntable tonight? boxer12 Hey! Coincidentally, I just listened to Quah a few days ago. LP is soooooo much better than the CD. | |
Whats on your turntable tonight? Hot Sardines https://hotsardines.com/ We just saw them live at SOPAC. First time I saw them, first time I was in SOPAC. Both wonderful! https://www.sopacnow.org/ |