Responses from elliottbnewcombjr
Phono preamp with multiple inputs?? Suggestions please!! I have a TT with 3 Tonearms, the heart of my system I luckily found a Step Up Transformer with 3 inputs/1 Out to MM Phono Input. 3 front selectable tonearms, and 4 optional impedance/x-factors, and PASS for MM cartridge. Any input can be MC ... | |
I need a extension cord with this won't break the bank 2 from 1 | |
I need a extension cord with 1 outlet to Furman, everything plugged into Furman (you want the PF-R version) Furman P-1800 PF R, 45 amps instant reserve. furman website | |
Should we care if a piece of equipment comes from a pet-free, kid-free, smoke-free home? bed bug and mite free are also very important! and what's your expected benefit knowing seller's gender? seriously, did you ever take electronics apart, see how much dust, hair, body parts are in there? disgusting, where's my compressor? It is a... | |
Turntable Advice on Hum/Brands My wood floor support must have been built with green wood in 1951 housing boom after WWII. Warp, dip near walls, flexible flyer. My final solution, are the 2" x 2" iso-blocks, I wrapped them with black tape after this photo amazon, easy return... | |
Records not stored vertically for decades What fun you will have re-discovering those recordings. Checking if flat on glass is a good idea. If not flat, a Shure cartridge with a damped brush would be a good idea. My favorite elliptical with damped brush is M97xe M97xe, good price Othe... | |
Advice needed on upgrading tonearm for VPI SCOUTMASTER because, the bug is pursuing you! just let it out the window till next time | |
Advice needed on upgrading tonearm for VPI SCOUTMASTER Function, flexibility. Steve at VAS used to work with VPI, and is a big fan of Uni-Pivot arms. He has more respect for the father than current production, true? In any case, he has multiple arm wands adjacent to his table, with multiple cartridg... | |
If you have a nice system why do you really need room treatments? As many are tired of hearing, I am a resolved fan of speaker’s having level controls. Speakers leave the factory like a person put on a ship in blinders, no idea where they are going, certainly not going to perform as tested in a foam lined space... | |
Re: streaming recommendations for newbie I think almost anything is good enough to start and find out if you will stick with something, then upgrade after experience and research. I agree, separates for future changes. Based on suggestions here, I bought an inexpensive Topping topping... | |
Re: streaming recommendations for newbie anotherbob I want an award for guessing he meant $500. I somehow thought is was Australian slang. I see it’s a Vegas term, in any case, I guessed right! What do I get? | |
Marantz SA10 sacd player My experience: I took a few apart, including trying to adjust a low cost Marantz. the lasers get old/weak. perhaps the cd layer works, but the sacd layer needs a spec more power. the first to go is your problem, unable to read SACD. A fine heig... | |
Marantz SA10 sacd player new laser assembly https://www.aliexpress.com/i/2251832865505302.html?gatewayAdapt=4itemAdapt I have purchased about a dozen items from aliexpress, always a great price and successful. any repair shop or even computer shop can replace the assem... | |
Marantz SA10 sacd player Possible issues with Marantz CD player Audiogon Discussion Forum https://forum.audiogon.com › discussions › possible-issu... Jun 9, 2021 — Only the S2 and S3 has available laser/optical blocks via Encompass (parts house in Atlanta GA). Mar... | |
Best In Wall Speakers Some wall speakers have the ability to 'aim' the tweeters. Any woofer does better with more cubic feet in the enclosure. Some wall speakers can use the cavity within the studs, floor to ceiling, however, you need to construct that section special... |