
Responses from elliottbnewcombjr

Garrard 301 - Project
I've done very well ordering many things from Aliexpress search for 'turntable feet', lots come up. I always look for height adjustable there is superior strength double face tape to find if not m6 studs  
Garrard 301 - Project
IsoAcoustics GAIA III adjustable, several size shafts including m6  
Handling Heavy Amps
I've got a 3rd torn miniscus in my knee that happened moving my 80lb McIntosh 2250, take walks, make friend with a teenager jogging by.  
Inexpensive turntable to play old records
OP I always recommend an Audio-Technica AT-LP120XUSB (several variations) as being a darn good starter TT. Direct Drive. Removable Headshell. It has optional Phono EQ (I liked it better than my McIntosh C28’s phono). It now comes with ... 
Handling Heavy Amps
OP, Congrats on making a decision, and getting a great price from a nearby source, always a wonderful thing. 80 lb box; 66 lbs amp, only 50% above your goal. I imagine the dealer will come and set it up for you initially, and you can pay them li... 
Garrard 301 - Project
OP, Congrats on making a decision, should be a winner! The custom plinths are gorgeous. Are you going for one or two tonearms? Me, almost done reading the Jazz Encylopedia, more Mono LP’s are in my future! Personally, if they didn't begin maki... 
Example of a piece o’ crap, useless review
Reviews are full of crap, i.e. you have to dig thru it to get to the earth. I just re-read the Cayin review I posted above, and I had forgotten my impression then: "it seems he is paid by the word". When I find a review that seems helpful, I read... 
Example of a piece o’ crap, useless review
the opposite is a review that truly helps you decide. I never heard of Cayin, one used AT-88T on eBay: read this, bought it, couldn't be happier https://6moons.com/audioreviews/cayin/a88t.html    
Movie Soundtracks
this (out of stock) describes a 3 cd set, see last photo, ??? https://store.intrada.com/s.nl/it.A/id.7716/.f  
Preamp 47K load. Cartridge needs 330 ohm
lewm I just wanted OP (or others following this) to know, 1:10 is not absolute, as a matter of fact anything up to 1:12 will be good, 1:12 might be best. I agree 1:12 is limited; and 1:10 is more common, however, IF the OP searches, asks for hel... 
Help Connecting Computer To 2-Channel Rig For Video
Get a Smart BluRay Player, has built-in access to netflix, youtube, many services. bluray to projector, done. BDP-S6700 Blu-ray™ Player with 4K Upscaling and Wi/Fi for Streaming Video they make wireless and wired ones, do your research I like w... 
Preamp 47K load. Cartridge needs 330 ohm
An xFactor of 12 would be good. .35 signal x 12 = 4.2 mv, a very good signal strength for MM Phono Inputs. xFactor 12 results in an impedance of 326 'shown to your PV7, very close to recommended 330 ohms  
Basis Vector Antiskate Q
Refine Anti-Skate by Listening. I use this LP (have the CD version to double check what you hear from the LP) Friday Night in San Francisco is a 1981 live album by Al Di Meola, John McLaughlin and Paco de Lucía. side two, last two tracks: they ... 
Basis Vector Antiskate Q
(sorry for the huge type, I cannot post links) ....................................... 1. Verify Azimuth, it is VITAL check it 1st. I use a mirror 1/8" thick (same thickness as an LP). Viewed from the front while lowered into the groove: any d... 
Preamp 47K load. Cartridge needs 330 ohm
your cartridge is 0.35 signal strength; it's coil impedance is 2.5 ohms the answer: Exactly as said above: Step Up Transformer with a (+/-) 1:10, ratio (which is it's xFactor), Like lewm said: result of 1:10 x factor will change your cartridges...