Responses from emergingsoul
If you have a nice system why do you really need room treatments? I hardly feel that corner bass traps and very modest absorption panels in a furnished room is a serious effort to acoustically treat the room. If the room was more open, and lots of rooms aren't, it would be helpful to put all kinds of panels in ... | |
Insurance for system @whart I'm in love with your room and system it's awesome. So many records. the length of the rug so perfect for the room. Such pretty speakers. But it sounds really lovely there. | |
Looking for the next level in imaging... The quality of the Recording greatly influences its ability to project a good image throughout the room. If only everything else could sound like a Diana Krall album be it a record or on YouTube the quality is astounding. I wish orchestra recordi... | |
If you have a nice system why do you really need room treatments? Why is everybody so dependent upon what dirac says? Adding an additional absorption panel in a 20 x 18 room that’s furnished is extremely hard to discern. Maybe Superman hearing would do it. Maybe on the dirac curve they’ll be a slight change but... | |
If you have a nice system why do you really need room treatments? @texbychoice I did post some details within this thread about my system. You don’t have any details on your system and I’m not really interested. I have a bass trap in the corner otherwise minimally treated room . I’m a big fan of getting rid ... | |
If you have a nice system why do you really need room treatments? Using dirac, I did acoustical measurements and the original curve versus DSP were very similar. It got a bit smoother. The original subwoofer curve looked normal. These measurements were done in a room that had virtually no acoustical treatments... | |
Guess who has new speakers in their lab? omg, should've provided the link. | |
Guess who has new speakers in their lab? I think it's a big event. This is the only place you can see extremely high speakers routinely. Does anyone have an opinion on his new speakers? It's not the latest model but it's still a very expensive speaker. Who buys these speakers? I'm ama... | |
If you have a nice system why do you really need room treatments? @immatthewj Is there a question? You probably do know most people just buy absorption panels and corner base traps and just stick them in their room. Because everybody else does it. They already have lots of furniture already in the room and t... | |
Am I right for this forum? So we both have something in common. We don’t feel we belong and we have not posted our virtual system. I recently described my system but no pictures. It’s really cool you and your family Play piano. And then you play cello so that means you ha... | |
If you have a nice system why do you really need room treatments? @milpai Big fan of Karen Carpenter, especially a live concert from 1974 performed in Japan. Remarkably entertaining and sound quality is pretty darn good. Video is called carpenters Live at budokan 1974 one hour and seven minutes, has some pre-c... | |
So sad about Netflix sound quality. No one can hear it @erik_squires Are you saying the Stream available from Netflix is uncompressed? I think that would be news to a lot of people. The signal is not a full band width Signal otherwise bluray and kaleidoscope sources,etc would not be necessary. Unf... | |
If you have a nice system why do you really need room treatments? @milpai I like your room, lots of interesting stuff. We have something in common, I also have a salamander rack just like yours, except mines on casters. Also I have a salamander rack that's 25 years old and it's wide enough for two components... | |
So sad about Netflix sound quality. No one can hear it How does better streaming sound quality work with an Apple TV box which is how I get Netflix and other streaming sources? I'm not sure Netflix is even broadcasting better quality sound. I'm just saying that they recorded on their side and yet no ... | |
If you have a nice system why do you really need room treatments? I'm not the smartest chip on the block and tend to be very slow at learning things but this thread has really been enlightening. Fortunately I have a really nice wool rug and that's very helpful if I could only put it on the ceiling. Maybe I nee... |