
Discussions erik_squires has started

What High End AC Cables should Offer119020
The desperate need to tinker4872
Rigid outlets for Heavy cables312140
Perfectly recreate a passive crossover using DSP3911
Praise for Old School Voltage Regulators5421
New Audiogon URL restrictions are too much208724
You don't lack bass, you have too much treble486273
It's your streamer, not your modem242930
Free air, tighter bass - snake oil or cheap tweaks?399349
The D'Appolito, MTM Configuration251319
Microphonics, Feedback and Bob Carver121516
Upgrade your dimmers for quieter AC and room noise8341
I wish Ayre made a portable headphone amp5493
Bananas rule, spades drool. End of discussion.6365103
Measurements for a dedicated line385561