
Discussions erik_squires has started

Allison and Snell - Against the Wall360827
What system would a robot with ears buy? 129624
Reimagining large studio monitors with SS in Thailand9245
Chip shortages, who is hurting, who isn't? 15713
Drivers and how to clean them: Notes from ScanSpeak304024
MSRP, diferentiation and the illusion of value483351
Ceiling Panels in a normal room, have you tried them?9254
I'm here for the sharing, not the snobery667694
Blue Coast Music is having a sale, DSD included!8191
Roon - Clipping and streaming23838
Pls. Help me find Sound & Fury - But Jazz on Tidal9893
Lightning and electronics and my Macbook Air157113
Nothing is sturdier than a ring radiator369322
Sometimes it's just your GD router flickering out!! 14127
My NAD 3020 D proves your Class D tropes are wrong1168098