
Discussions erik_squires has started

The best audio tweak is a soft bristled paint brush...12589
Star Grounding and the Home290713
Cowboy Bebop Remake - The best Jazz on TV? 155010
The return of the DIYer344048
PCX - Hospital Grade Leviton 9701
You own a store, you sell 2 brands, which? 17748168
Is it time for new surge suppression devices?18007
Anthem AV MRX shipping?6621
Should a high end system be flexible, or demanding? 178218
A loose connection can be madenning13246
Fixing imbalanced hearing loss9031
Stuck at home? Make a speaker or something for goodness sake! 245133
Accuphase EQ, JVS and the challenges of the intermediate audiophile8871
I don't have sibilance problems, are my speakers dull? 343223
Quality outlets for non-audio213718