
Discussions erik_squires has started

Pono and the Ayre Codex778516
Doing the Power Cord Thing846893
Pulsars and the Mythical Armchair Speaker Maker674390
OT: Using electrostatic motors for a watch movement160410
A little vindication on the Oppo HA-121400
What Shunyata and Furman (SMP) Have in common - Inductance!570227
Affordable Streamer with great Internet Radio, Tidal, Android support? 588329
Blind Testing is Dead - Long live My Wallet testing. 230550
How much do we at A'gon influence the industry? 221344
Sophia Pfister's Birdcage10472
Ask the local curmudgeon (me) anything related to tech or liquor. :) 391171
What reviewers have been craving, built in hearing aids with TVs10234
Veteran's Org that would take 5.1 speakers?6951
The Carver Amp Challenge and the 21st Century and it's Failure1843657
Maybe amps need a third terminal? 14831