
Responses from frogman

Jazz for aficionados
O-10, thanks for the Old & New Dreams cut. Beautiful music and one of those improbable times when ingredients that one would think would not make a good recipe somehow come together into an unusual but delicious dish. I don't mean the individu... 
Jazz for aficionados
Thanks for the clips, Acman3. What a loss, and what a beautiful player he was! One of my very favorites with a very individualistic approach to the role of the bass player. The clip with Gary Foster was a revelation for me; thanks for that. Foster... 
Skeptics believe:cartridge makes a HUGE difference
Elegal, any information lost or distorted the instant that little piece of rock hits the vinyl (amazing in this age of uber-tech; isn't it?) cannot be retrieved or restored further down the chain. That is the most important stage of the whole proc... 
Walking Into A Brick & Mortar High End Audio Store
I completely agree with Mapman. And great to hear for a dealer like Audiodistinction; that is the kind of dealer that will get my business. 
High End Audio-Gaining Higher Ground?
I have to disagree. One doesn't need all that makeup to look good; and I wonder what the women here think of that comment. Enhancement? Possibly; depending on the tastefulness of the subject and the eye of the beholder. High end audio, in the true... 
High End Audio-Gaining Higher Ground?
****Just as spirituality existed for centuries before churches co-opted it, so too did music exist for eons before electricity enabled the music industry. The beauty and majesty, the spiritual uplift, that you treasure in your music does not depen... 
Jazz for aficionados
Rok, I could continue the silliness and ask you to point out one single statement that I have made that is not defensible, but I will let your ridiculous comment pass and simply say that it is time, once again, for me to take a break from trying t... 
High End Audio-Gaining Higher Ground?
Macrojack and others of a similar opinion. While there is value in being "realistic" in one's outlook on any given subject, sometimes this "realism" is nothing more than cynicism and counterproductive negativity masquerading as pragmatism if one c... 
Jazz for aficionados
Not clear at all, Rok; especially given some of your other comments. Anyway, this is, once again, a case of "Mars and Venus"; some things are irreconcilable.No one is trying to "impress". I nor Learsfool (I am confident in stating) need this forum... 
Jazz for aficionados
****Why not submit a list, for us aficionados, of GREAT Jazz players, who were great, BECAUSE, they went to Juilliard.****I am almost speechless. I have no idea how or why you arrived at the conclusion that anyone has ever suggested this. All I ca... 
Jazz for aficionados
Rok, c'mon. We don't have a habit of misquoting you nor of shooting down anything. The truth is that when discussing these topics you are not a particularly good communicator via what you write. Example:****Nuts and Bolts is a term I use to reflec... 
Jazz for aficionados
Learsfool, I am glad you chimed in about that. I was going to after first reading the comment about Juilliard, but frankly I was almost in a state of disbelief at the comment and all I could muster was my "retort" about Wynton having also attended... 
Jazz for aficionados
****Miles went to Juilliard*** His first mistake. I knew there was something wrong there.****Hmmmm, so did Wynton. 
Jazz for aficionados
Absolutely! That, the skill level of their respective conductors and, as an extension of skill level, the stylistic identity of the players and hence the orchestra. Eventhough the traditionally strong stylistic personalities of the various orchest... 
Jazz for aficionados
Ok, are you referring to the score in terms of the music (notes) written in it, or in terms of the visual APPEARENCE of the notes? If you mean the music, yes they would be identical. Berlin, being a major orchestra probably owns a set of score and...