
Responses from frogman

Eminent Technology ET-2 Tonearm Owners
Slaw, sorry I missed that. :-) 
Eminent Technology ET-2 Tonearm Owners
****Throwing weight at the I-beam near the spindle pivot does not increase the arms rigidity.****Exactly.BTW, there is a (not particularly elegant) way to experiment with lowering the I-beam compliance without use of the double spring. You can wed... 
Eminent Technology ET-2 Tonearm Owners
Ct, as I quoted before, moving the weight further out on the I-beam improved (in my set-up) the bass performance. By "improved" I mean better control, and weight; two things that don't always go hand in hand. I will say that the best results where... 
Eminent Technology ET-2 Tonearm Owners
From the ET2 manual:*****It is desirable in most cases (low to medium compliance cartridges 5x10 dynes/cm-10x20 dynes/cm) to use the minimum number of counterweights, far out on the counterweight stem. This decreases the horizontal inertia of the ... 
VPI TNT Bearing question
That bearing, and its companion MKV platter is what I have on my TNT. According to Mike at VPI: "they are as good as anything we have ever made; including the Super Platter". 
Eminent Technology ET-2 Tonearm Owners
Slaw, I will post a picture of my ET on my TNT6 next time my son comes over with his digital camera; being a bit of a Luddite, I don't own one. No, no relation to R Vandersteen. Curious, why do you ask?Ct, look closely at the leaf spring on your I... 
Eminent Technology ET-2 Tonearm Owners
Dertonarm's observations are spot on, and mirror mine. His comment about the ET being THE tonearm for opera lovers may raise some eyebrows, but is particularly insightful. For me, the two greatest attributes of this tonearm are it's correct and mi... 
Which Cables Are of Most Importance?
Any information lost cannot be retrieved further downstream, no matter how good the cable (or other piece of gear) further downstream. Any distortion added to the signal cannot be corrected by a better cable (or other piece of gear) further downst... 
Eminent Technology ET-2 Tonearm Owners
Re compliance of the I beam springs: my ET2 came with two I beams of different compliances. The lower compliance is achieved by using two (instead of one) leaf springs glued together. It is possible to lower the compliance further (which is what I... 
Eminent Technology ET-2 Tonearm Owners
Apbii, yes 17 was the best in my system. But keep in mind that this had everything to do everything else in the system. I don't think it is a matter of the ET "working best" at 19 (or 17) psi. I think I can safely say, after working with this arm ... 
Eminent Technology ET-2 Tonearm Owners
****Are we to take your words literally ? The cartridge is about 7 inches from the spindle ? Have you come up with ET 3.0, a longer I beam that I have only been thinking about, or are you talking about removing enough lead and having your weights ... 
Eminent Technology ET-2 Tonearm Owners
Great tonearm. I have used one for many years and now sits on a VPI TNT6. High pressure manifold/Medo compressor (17psi), homemade surge tank, damping trough, and AudioNote silver wire in one continuous run from cartridge clips to preamp. I can't ... 
Building a System around Magnepan Speakers...
When reading the above advise concerning the room and power requirements of Maggies, remember that (IMO) much of if is for achieving the best sound that they are capable of. Maggies are capable of spectacular sound with ideal placement and with id... 
Double blind test on Strads
As with most "tests" of this kind, some very important factors are conveniently overlooked. What makes some instruments (not just violins) great are characteristics that are not uncovered by a minutes-long playing session. Ironically, sometimes a ... 
VPi HW 19 jr upgrade
Here we go again. Some well-intended but questionable info so far. The MK2 and Mk3 platters were the same platter; no difference. It is a very good platter, but not as good as the heavier Mk4/TNT platters. The difference between the Mk2 and Mk3 ta...