

Responses from fsonicsmith

Direct Drive vs. Idler Drive vs. Belt drive
i’ve owned a number of top flight direct drive turntables; including the Rockport Sirius III, the SP-10 Mk2 and Mk3, and now the Wave Kinetics NVS for the last 9 years. taken singularly; none of those were obviously lacking in speed solidity and ... 
Direct Drive vs. Idler Drive vs. Belt drive
I found Herb Reichert's piece in the latest edition of S'Phile uhhh....interesting. He reviewed the J.Sikora Initial which is belt drive and in an apparent effort to heap his usual unfettered Primaluna type hyperbolic and unrealistic praise upon i... 
Tonearm mount to the plinth vs arm board vs rotating arm board vs isolated tower
The arguments just go round and round like a record. Most of us manage to get good sound and most of us have no idea why. Most of us think we have things figured out as to why our systems sound good to the point we will pick up our figurative swor... 
Setting Anti-Skate on VPI Fatboy Tonearm
I agree with millercarbon here. Use the Peter Lederman method. Find a record that has a long wide leadout which as you know is at the innermost part of the record near the label. Drop the stylus in between two widely spaced lead out grooves. You w... 
Tonearm mount to the plinth vs arm board vs rotating arm board vs isolated tower
@terry9; "offend" is not the appropriate word choice here. . I simply felt your post was a bit strong and worthy of comment. I will never challenge someone's love of their own table no matter how humble it might be. But when someone claims that th... 
Tonearm mount to the plinth vs arm board vs rotating arm board vs isolated tower
Outboard belt drive with a flywheel allows excellent isolation of the motor. I say, "Let’s have it all !" Actually, a huge "THANK YOU" to all three of the above, who guided me to the above design. Also to the late Tom Fletcher. I certainly could ... 
Tonearm mount to the plinth vs arm board vs rotating arm board vs isolated tower
The OP in this thread, is asking about an idler.@kanchi647The idlers are one of the crudest, oldest form of turntable, and with them comes.....(based on my personal direct experiences)The most vibrations, least isolation, the most noise.That's w... 
Tonearm mount to the plinth vs arm board vs rotating arm board vs isolated tower
We were discussing the Garrard 301 at the Axpona 2019 room featuring his turntable, a 301 on a Dobbins plinth with a Reed arm and a top of the line VdH cartridge and Magico speakers. I don't recall the electronics in that room. The room sponsor wa... 
Garrard 301 PSU 120V 60Hz vs 220V 50Hz
Nanda, my friend, Ray at CTC/Classic HiFi is the best man to answer your question. I can tell you this-with Ray's PSU the eddy brake must be disabled. This is part and parcel as to why Ray offers the PSU in the first place. The PSU allows the user... 
Tonearm mount to the plinth vs arm board vs rotating arm board vs isolated tower
For practical reason this type of Steve Dobbins plinth for Garrard 301 is universal for different tonearms if you're going to use many. Same construction in Stereophile article Aesthetically Artisan Fidelity 301 is the best (imo), but you need m... 
Soundsmith - Thank you to everyone.
The Cohens or Kohens (pronounced "Co-Hayns") were the rabbis of the first and rebuilt Holy Temple. The Levis were the custodians. Back then being a custodian of the Temple was tantamount in status to being a doctor or lawyer. I am supposedly a Lev... 
Soundsmith - Thank you to everyone.
I am Russian, never ever hear this name "Tallan" and never met anyone with this name in Russia. Are you challenging me? Perhaps you are unaware that when immigrants with long names came through Ellis Island, the names were truncated and "Ameri... 
What does a tonearm contribute to the sound of a turntable?
lewm7,760 posts04-28-2020 5:00pmThe wire is probably fine, but Reed tonearms have a lot more going for them besides good wire. Otherwise, we could all buy FireWire and use it to re-wire some el cheapo tonearm. (Another owner of a Reed tonearm ... 
Soundsmith - Thank you to everyone.
Peter, this has become a wide ranging question and answer process so I hope you will field another;You build and sell some very expensive and complicated cartridge designs and yet your phono stage designs are relatively simple and inexpensive. Can... 
Do I need an overhang gauge, in addition to a protractor to position cartridge correctly?
Vinyl heresy-overhang induced distortion is not that importantI have learned and am of the opinion that the quality of the drive unit, the quality of the tonearm, the quality of the cartridge and phono stage and compatibility/setting of all thes...