I replaced my high-end Cary tube amps with QS Mono 120s with KT150 tubes. I like 88s too in some ways, shared DNA which led to Mono 120 design of course. At first, I thought these Mono 120s were a slight downgrade for me, even using my better Cary SLP-98 preamp with really good 6SN7 tubes. Had to try it. Keep reading. Had an upgrade vision too for later on. It has paid off. With some good burn-in time and patience, it has paid off big time in stock form, but just like any amp, there is more room for growth with slight tweaks that can turn these amps in to giant killers!
After 100hrs burn in, ditched the entry level stock EI and JJ small signal/driver tubes and rotated in various vintage NOS tubes and tried PSVANE too with much improved results - way better. Several here on Agon messaged me since and have done the same, like a good underground group does. :) Same applies to Silver 88s, Mono 60s. Caution bringing up caps with Mike. It’s not his business plan I gather now days. He shoots for reliability and consistency #1, "no changes" i get it. Some upgrades can help - sometimes. Proceed at your own risk.
After tube rotation of small tubes, the stock coupling caps are not bad, Mike likes them a lot. I was "okay" with the stock caps. Against conservative judgement (don’t tell Mike - haha, he’ll get pissed off), I upgraded my coupling caps in the Mono 120s to a really high end set of Mundorf EVO Supreme Silver Golds, same as used in $22k Cary amps. Just HAD to know. Bugged me. And, wow, sure enough - it brings the QS amps to a whole new level of 3 dimensional sound, tone, texture. The QS amps have the bones for sure. Enjoy.