Responses from fuzztone
Suggestions for pure headphone amp around $200? You could always up your game:https://fidelice.com/shop/precision-headphone-ampAlthough at that price point I'd lean towards the Quicksilver. | |
Suggestions for pure headphone amp around $200? I looked at the Aune X7. At 11 ohms output it is only suitable for high impedance cans.The Drop is not available for at least 8 months.They are suspect anyway. When the sold Grados, the Grado company said they didn’t front them any.Where the hell ... | |
Looking for a front end streamer only. If you want the "best" SQ I recommend the dCS bridge with FPGA to keep it current for many years. If you decide to subscrbe to Roon, all that you will need is the Silent Angel package:https://cruxaudio.com/collections/thunder-data/products/silent... | |
How to insert album cover art on music files? I've looked at Picard and it's clutzy. Mp3tag free, drag 'n' drop in any art you want. Manage tags easily for folders.Batch conversion I recommend XRECODE3. It was free 10 years ago. I donated then because it was so good. Best $15 you'll ever spen... | |
Recommendations for next headphone I like Quads with Lavricables. | |
Suggestions for pure headphone amp around $200? I like my Schiit Vali 2 with a 6GC7.Less than $200 all in. The 15 day audition won't tell you much. The stick tube blows and so does the Russki 6922 I tried next. | |
How to insert album cover art on music files? Mp3tag will tag most any audio files. WAV is system dependant on whether it will show up.I only wish that Florian made a version for photos. | |
Are the loudness wars fake so record companies can destroy the music? DamnSam | |
Why Crazy Prices paid for Pioneer 100 JBL L100 AR1 AR3 AR3A The AR's were the best speaker I had ever heard in '68. Of course that was before I went to any CES shows.Probably sound like a Polk now.Collecter items is the ONLY explanation. | |
Looking for new speakers + twoleftearsGood rule of thumb around here:Ignore the first responder. | |
How to connect Tidal to DAC wireless via iPad Buy a streamer. You can use your tablet for control and enjoy better SQ.My guess is that anything else will sound worse.Pretty sure that a naked microrendu will sound better than any non dedicated device.They were $429 yesterday $569 today.Tomorro... | |
Why do you like a song? What makes it a favorite? I've had a Faves p/l for 20 years.Each of us likes what we like.And we don't like each other's.Mine goes from Digital Underground to Francois Poulenc to Lani Hall to The Flame to Wondermints to Wang Chung to Miles Davis.YRMVPSI forgot Brian Prothe... | |
Please recommend new headphones for listening to Qobuz on iPhone Apple does not cotten to anyone using non Apple stuff.Cease and desist. | |
100v,115v versus 230v Sounds like an Ask Paul episode. He could easily compare his own stuff with a Power Plant and identical amps set to Schuko. | |
Hopelessly Confused Reddit?Sheesh. |