
Responses from garn509

What percentage of audiophiles use a sub ?
Eliz -- I can vibrate my internal organs with frozen section tacos !! 
What percentage of audiophiles use a sub ?
Tiggerfc : Yes, indeed. Should audiophiles call them "auxillary bass drivers" ? 
What percentage of audiophiles use a sub ?
Audiophile - subwoofer in the same sentence? Getting a sub means your speakers ain't good enough. 
Why Don't More People Love Audio?
And why don't more people love art? Because they cannot conceive that either can improve their lives. And they refuse to accept that such is possible. They are clods. 
Your ONE all time favorite love song?
"I Only Have Eyes For You", The Flamingos 
Chord Carnivals?
Bought a set of singles from my local Hi Fi provider.They're very impressive. 12' for $275. 
When is used used up?
When repair costs exceed market value?When repair costs exceed nostalgia value?When you decide to replace? 
New Budget CD Player
Hamms006 , "Budget" is relative? 
Mystery Danish Speakers
flickr is apparently fickle. try this Photobucket link 
When is used used up?
TVAD-- I defer to the responses of Elizabeth and Stevecham. 
When is used used up?
Liz, good thoughts on environmental factors. I did not include the question molecular decay of components and connections which is a factor of the quality of construction also. So, I guess we have -- where used, how much use, and what is it. 
tuners, the red headed stepchild?
Am corrected, thanks. Did you see this, Elizabeth? 
tuners, the red headed stepchild?
Every metro are has its NPR at least one classical station. Take away those and all the talk talk stations, and what's left? Limited playlist hip hop, classic rock, and pop? Does NY have eclectic oldies with R&B, wide range classic rock, regul... 
tuners, the red headed stepchild?
I agree wholly. Besides, it's nice not to keep getting up to change the CD or LP. In budget brands, which ones are good? I am thinking about the new NAD 515. Good means sound-able to make compressed signals sound better - and good signal pulling p... 
tuners, the red headed stepchild?
there are Sirius ready tuners