

Responses from ghosthouse

Tube upgrades for Jolida 502B?
just fyi if you are interested in my little saga...I went with the full Tube Store recommendation as described above. Just installed them last night. Was only able to listen 1 1/2 hours. I assume the sound will improve further with time. My immedi... 
Most Effective Tweaks
Capt369 - I got the picture now! I have not tried any isolation for my tube amp or CD player. They are both just on shelves in a Custom Wood Design cabinet. The amp is on the very top of the cabinet. The CD player is inside on the first shelf. You... 
Most Effective Tweaks
CAPT369 on 2/20 you wrote..."Replacing the brass cones under my maple isolation stands with racquetballs inserted in inch and a half PVC end caps. Made a big difference on my carpet covered concrete."Any chance you could post a picture? I'm pictur... 
Tube upgrades for Jolida 502B?
By the way...A follow up from Michael Allen at JoLida indicates the 502B now comes stock with EH6550s. EH was chosen for "excellent reliability". He said "If you wish to be perfect...look at the KT88s." He also suggested talking to the Tube Store ... 
Hi-Fi Lingo and What we should be listening for
Itball - those are good examples of the kind of language that makes me crazy. Guess I'm not alone. 
Hi-Fi Lingo and What we should be listening for
Montyx - Thanks. A very helpful article. I copied and saved the link to my hard drive. I appreciate your constructive input vs my somewhat cranky rant!GH 
Hi-Fi Lingo and What we should be listening for
Frankly, I hope you ARE stirring things up. There is a lot of "mumbo-jumbo" talk in the audiophile universe. It ain't a scientific discipline - though certainly aspects are amenable to scientific study. To me the whole "hobby" is like wine tasting... 
Review: Vestax Handy Trax Turntable
Thanks Zaikesman. I enjoyed reading that. Good idea. 
Tube upgrades for Jolida 502B?
Thanks to all. Interesting that no one advocated 6550s. I'll follow up once I make a decision and actually do something. Thanks again. 
Whats on your turntable tonight?
Listening to Laurie Anderson's "Mister Hearrtbreak". Am going NUTS because it sounds so good ! 
Whats on your turntable tonight?
Steely Dan's "Aja". 
Electro-Harmonix and Sovtex tubes
Cleaneduphippy - Just posted a thread asking for input on tube upgrades for my 502B. Curious what direction you took if you don't mind sharing. Did you go with 6550s or KT88s? What mftr.? 
New to Audiogon and have a question
Welshdra7 - Interesting. I bought a Yamaha R1000 back in the 80s. Had it a long time driving Polk SDAIIs that I bought used (also back in the 80s). I shipped the Yamaha out for "refurbishment" intending to sell it after buying an integrated tube a... 
Stereo channel balance/image
Decapg - Please DON'T plug TT outputs into preamp OUT! What I was suggesting was a pretty obvious diagnostic that probably already occurred to you...I assumed you had an outboard phono preamp. What I was suggesting is just reverse the left and rig... 
Stereo channel balance/image
I have to say channel imbalance is something that makes me crazy. You should be able to isolate imbalance to either TT or phono pre-amp - I think. Can you switch TT leads into phono pre-amp first? If it doesn't change anything try switching phono ...