

Responses from gillatgh

What’s your vote for the most ridiculous, overpriced, and useless tweak?
Well spoken Mr. Geoffkait. I'm perusing this thread for its information and humor. 
Most useful tweaks that are sensible and really make a noticeable improvement
As a great tweak for those who still use an aged HT processor but an newer media player use the players DAC instead of the processors if possible. Simply use the analog outs (if available) connected to analog in on processor and set processors con... 
Most useful tweaks that are sensible and really make a noticeable improvement
Nice stuff! Geoff, dude I tried your tweak but was bowled over, watered down sound from my superbowl system. Broke the center bowl while doing the alignment. One good thing, I did mop the floor it needed it. 
Most useful tweaks that are sensible and really make a noticeable improvement
@geoffkait ,  you just saturate me with you remarkable humor and wisdom. I just ordered a cryo tank to just try on all my components and media. You think a cryo'd gong will sound better?Actually you just crack me up.Seems to me actual real tweaks ... 
Suggestions for my next upgrade
My thoughts are a change from 2m blue to 2m black should immediately improve the analog experience.  
Do you have a defining musical moment from your early years?
My friends younger sister brought a copy of Led Zeppelin I to his room which was an defining moment for me. That was back in the late 60's. There went the neighborhood :) 
Anyone else notice rating scales are getting inflated?
@oregonpapa in the not too distant past I provided a neutral rating of a seller here on Agon with which the seller diasagreed. He contacted Agon and had it removed. I got a notice of this from Agon and challenged it as it was an honest feedback. I... 
Worth of current system
Give or take about 17g used, about 39g new. I chose the used option and am quite happy camping in the listening room. Darn thing about this hobby is I'm always looking for that elusive "improvement ".And Audiogon is not helping the budget. 
Best sound in old late 70s early 80s receivers
Pioneer SX-1050, my first wow factor and that was with cheap Realistic speakers. 
Older Electronics - When to cut bait? Your thoughts?
@tkr, your words spew truism throughout.  CJ is a fine product that needs to be treated to a few HQ tubes every now and then. Just like a good woman. Same for Rogue Audio products. 
BEST UPGRADE regardless of cost?
For myself there may be two I'd consider best. First being the acoustic treatment/taming the listening room and second a change of speaker cable.This may be strange but I removed a Transparent Ultra from the system and replaced it with a vintage T... 
Are members not leaving feedback anymore?
Feedback is harder to come by now than it was in earlier days. It's also understandable as it's meaningless in some cases.Case in point was a fairly recent incident where feedback was removed by agon because it did not suit the person receiving th... 
What is a lowball offer? How low is low?
I believe that an offer that one makes should be the offer one can afford to make and immediately pay if the offer is accepted. I also feel that a prior communication with the seller can go a long way to come to a fair tranaction that satisfies bo... 
My 2cents, VPI makes a great product at reasonable cost, I find it easy to set up and the Unipivot arm is great IMO. Are there better out there, of course but not everyone wants to sell a kidney. For myself I'm very much pleased with my VPI and ca... 
Who can dance?
What does a dancing post have that inna's removed post didn't? Shame, shame.Watch out for the post police.they're coming to take you away haha.........