

Responses from glennewdick

Looking for my first tube amplifier, help appreciated.
 www.tubes4hifi.com/home.html  missed the link sorry  
Looking for my first tube amplifier, help appreciated.
I found this online a few days ago and from what I have read on Audio asylum looks interesting and not too expensive they sell kits and assembled units ranging from 30wc to 125wc the big ones under $1800 
Speakers with warm treble and good bass
We seem to be having a similar problem with speakers I've been going through many over the last few years.  I really regret selling my ProAc's response 2.5's and they did everything your looking for probably the best speaker I have owned in regard... 
***Advice Needed***Choosing Between Mini & Midi Monitors
I'd also look at the AudioNote UK speakers they can be very nice and they have an assortment of stand mounts that do lower frequency's well. also as they are designed to be corner or wall positioned you can get more floor space using them as they ... 
Help Picking a turntable
I agree with many of the guys on here about researching what your getting into.  I would pick up a older vintage table for under $1k and try it out get a few records and play them see how you like it. then if you fall in love with it like most of ... 
Should I buy a Class A Amp.
Don't count out the Luxman Class A amps new ones and some of the older ones. I run an L560 50wc pure class A from 1986 (updated version of the L550/540)and its rather nice for a 20 year old amp. utilizes a heat pipe i.e. liquid cooled, idling curr... 
Pros & Cons of Buying an Integrated with Built-in DAC?
sorry it the LIO typo 
Pros & Cons of Buying an Integrated with Built-in DAC?
you could consider something like the Vinnie Rossi ILO http://vinnierossi.com/. Its a modular system that in the future you could pop in a new dac or something else that comes along. makes the whole upgrade path easier as you don't have to change ... 
Living voice and kondo
I'm using a Luxman L560 50wc Pure class A amp with my LV Avatar 2's with great results so don't rule out a good SS amp preferable class A. I also have some Welborne labsDDR45's mono's that sound great but not nearly enough power unfortunately (2wc... 
CD players that make for a great transport
sorry I didn't relies Teac still makes these transports in a much higher level. and have been for years so hopefully there is even more out there available at reasonable costs.  
CD players that make for a great transport
try finding a good Teac VRDS they made many deferent ones from all in one players and stand alone transports. they are getting a few years old but lots of parts out there and many high end companies used the VRDS system in their own cd played. har... 
Searching for the ideal vintage bookshelf speakers.
I would look at Audionote AN J's or even K's will fit your size they are wonderful speakers and designed to be positioned close to a wall so in your book shelf they will do better then most.