Responses from gmood1
Passive Pre - No Regrets? "I don't have a thimble's worth of his experience or knowledge, and he always seems to make very measured and reasoned statements. So, I'm sure there are very good reasons for what he says."Yes I agree he is a talented guy, but so are the fellows ... | |
Passive Pre - No Regrets? Great story Moebis!! He's still just as stubborn about tube amplifiers being the only amplifiers to use!LOLI planned to try out one his units.I could never get anything setup concrete. He doesn't do the email thing very well. So I bought a unit el... | |
Passive Pre - No Regrets? Thanks Jsadurni ,From what I've read so far..the PLC is slightly different in configuration from a TVC like the K&K, Bent, Django, Music First and so on. I would try a different version before you give up competely. Good listening | |
Passive Pre - No Regrets? Hey Oz...yup I'm looking forward too it myself! I've found one owner of the Promitheus TVC that has compared it against a Bent Audio. From his post they sound about the same too him. I'll see and hear for myself thanks to a nice audiophile friend ... | |
Passive Pre - No Regrets? Just from what you've told me. The TVC should work just fine with a 100 ohm input. Here's a FAQ's page from Promitheus on how TVCs work. Unlike resistive type passives a TVC will actually lower the output impedance and increase current drive from ... | |
Passive Pre - No Regrets? Hello Herman,I use the Burson buffer before the TVC and after my Dac. My Dac's output impedance is fairly high 2700 ohms. After talking with a few people, two being the owner of the Jensen transformer company and Jack of Eletraprint transformers. ... | |
Passive Pre - No Regrets? I also enjoyed Hermans post. Though I haven't used a $5000 preamp at home. I do know what musical, dynamic and transparent sounds like. The TVC has been a revelation for me. I also prepared my setup from the start by using a buffer between the sou... | |
power cord recommendayion Not sure about what power cord is that doesn't exist IMHO. If you're looking for a good heavy duty power cord, how about some Volex 14 gauge power cords. Go to page 7. The model numbers are 17604/C3-25/10 for the 2 meter( $6.28 Each when ... | |
Gainclone chip amp Here's a gainclone at a good price for anyone interested in trying one out Dual Mono Gainclone $250 shipped. Not affiliated with the seller. I just think it's a great deal.Good listening!! | |
VR 2's, audes blues or eminent tecnology lft viii I've spent plenty of time with the ETs and the Sols. The ETs do need plenty of current. As pointed out..they also need to be away from the walls maybe 3 feet or better. Other than that if setup properly they sound very good. You can adjust the tre... | |
South Florida Zu Druid owners As Oz has pointed out..the FTA's aren't super sensitive. But with a very benign impedance, 50 wpc channel is still plenty for most rooms. Also as Oz has pointed out,it will depend on your taste in music whether they're a speaker for you.Not sure i... | |
Entry level tube integrated to replace T-Amp? Hi Gilbodavid,If I'm not mistaken the chip used in the Sig30 and TEAC are discontinued. There's now a different Tripath chip to take its place with similar output. I wonder if Jan will get the newer chip or buy the discontinued model at a discount? | |
Entry level tube integrated to replace T-Amp? Jolojl,Well I've never heard the Charlize. But I do have a friend that owns one and he's heard my ClariT. Which is basically the same as the Maestro T amp. Both use the same Tripath boards and most likely sound the same. He says the Charlize is a ... | |
Entry level tube integrated to replace T-Amp? Jolojl, since I'm not quite clear on the power requirements. I'll offer several different options. If you're not stuck on batteries.. you do have several T amp options. One being a mixture of T amp and Tubes like the Tube T-Amp 2020. If more power... | |
non over sampling DAC better than 24/96 or192 DAC? IMHO they both have strengths and weakness. You must hear them both in your system and decide for yourself what will be better in that particular system. I've heard bad upsampling and good.That being said I have one of the nuttiest combinations. I... |