
Responses from gochurchgo

tube recommendations for audio research LS-16?
Do tubes burn in when just being on or do they have to be processing signal? 
Wife trouble
No wife. Happy life. 
Rel T/5i
Great thread OP. Its also why I do not want to run a sub as I would never have the tools and know-how to accomplish it. 
New Preamp arrived....
Thanks @atmasphere   it was never an issue but now it is. Bummer. As for bass, yeahm the short wall is all windows and I'd rather not have people walking by looking at the back end.@lalitk  The AppleTV/Topping is mostly for movies and AppleMusic w... 
Do you guys like Adele's music?
Adele is proof that mediocre ability with a team of hit songwriters behind them can be a star. 
Tekton Electron Be
I wonder about going with Tekton. I can get past the looks but not the size. 
New Preamp arrived....
So here’s a thing. I was cleaning house while streaming an album. It sounded thin and kind of sterile. I decided to throw the same album on (LP) and it was anything but.Before, streaming music was un-dynamic and just very ho-hum. Now it’s thinner ... 
New Preamp arrived....
@twoleftears  100% agreed and an exciting thing as well. I have a set of NOS RCA black plates here and a set of Phillips 7062 on the way.  Mullards will be my next set. This is my first piece of tube gear so it’ll be fun to roll tubes.@verdantaudi... 
New Preamp arrived....
I spent another hour moving speakers around last night after my last post. I could change the sound some and even got punchier bass where they sit now. Having had zero money to spend I’ve spent a bunch of time playing with toe and front wall dista... 
Standmount speakers. I have $5000.
@nomayo The Special 40’s are on the top of my list. Do you find the top end to be rolled off a good bit? I admit to liking a somewhat assertive tweeter and the graphs I have seen shows them rolling off on top.  
New Preamp arrived....
I eliminated the toe in on the speakers and moved them back 6” closer to the front wall (now at 12”).While I like the improvements I’m looking for more warmth and I know my room is an issue but am starting to feel my speakers just aren’t going to ... 
New Preamp arrived....
So the units been on for over 200 hours now usually processing some sounds for ~12 hours a day. I do notice the bass and midbass improvements as well as staging. Detail is very enhanced. The sound is very clean!i have not swapped out tubes or put ... 
US made, integrated tube preamp able to handle KT150 tubes?
Raven Audio. Built in Texas. Quicksilver Audio in Stockton CA. Give Mike Sanders a call. Nice guy. 
General question about tube preamps and gain
Thanks. I don’t know where my acquaintance was headed with his question. I feel like my new preamp sounds fuller as I turn it up but I thought that with the passive I had before so..anyway, interesting things to think about here. 
New Preamp arrived....
Thanks I feel like it’s filling in nicely. I got a couple of hours to listen yesterday and the sound is warmer and punchier. Today I’m getting kinda of a “halo” around vocals that are tweeter heavy.