
Responses from gochurchgo

New Preamp arrived....
Several pairs of tubes have been rolled in and out. All good in their own way. RCA black plates, Amperex 7062 and Brimar 13D9’s.Currently have Brimar 13D9’s in. A littlenoisey but nice sound. These and the Amperex are the faves so far. The Quicksi... 
Nice retro looking amp from Sweden 🇸🇪
Mono switch! 
VPI's new "Vanquish" Ultra High-End turntable is a STUNNER!
A few members of VPI’s target market had a terrible day today.  
What is the best HEAVY METAL speaker?
Any thoughts about Dynaudio Special 40? From all I’ve read they are refined but do give up some and tilt for a more “fun” sound.these are the top of my list and as much as I’ve said no to floor standers I can’t seem to completely eliminate the Spa... 
Phono Pre Upgrade from Parasound JC-3?
After 3 sides? This will be a fun thread. 
Favorite cover?
I dislike Jimmy Eat World on a massive scale but their cover of The Prodigy’s Firestarter is straight amazing.https://youtu.be/qyR27LnGC0s 
Morrow MA3 to Cerious Tech (non Matrix)
And does anyone know how a Morrow MA3 compares? Like am I wasting money buying the GE instead of waiting and getting the matrix?I don’t want to make a lateral move 
Your last concert was to see who and when?
Don’t get to too many concerts anymore.  Wish I could.Last show was Peter Hook and the light doing Substance (both New Order snd Joy Division). This was a couple years ago and it was the night before my birthday, which is relevant as it’s the same... 
backert vs sachs preamp
I’m in love with my Quicksilver tube preamp. With that you’d have synergy. 
VPI's new "Vanquish" Ultra High-End turntable is a STUNNER!
No turntable is worth that much. None. Bragging rights for the weak and sensitive. 
Do I need to be weary about selling an amp and shipping to a PO Box Box?
FedEx won’t ship to PO Box addresses. Not sure about UPS. I definitely wouldn’t do it. I’d offer to ship to the buyer’s nearest Kinkos or UPS store instead. 
Your Top Five Blues LPs, SQ-wise...
Love the Ghost World reference and that it went unnoticed. I appreciate that.  
New Preamp arrived....
@yogiboy  ok cool.im going to order a set. 
New Preamp arrived....
@yogiboy   are these the tubes you’re referring to?https://www.vivatubes.com/tests-nos-matched-pair-ge-usa-12at7-ecc81-grey-plate-get-vacuum-tubes-3/?g... 
New Preamp arrived....
So tonight I had nothing to do and no where to go so I rolled in the RCA’s. Too early to say much but they do not seem have the mid-forwardness of the JJ’s. Bass seems maybe better. Me likey.I have some Philips 7062’s coming too which should be fu...