
Responses from gochurchgo

NEW Cerious Technologies Upgrade - Graphene Matrix Cables
@lancelock   thanks! I have a new preamp coming so I might spread and go for a set for the pre-power connection.  
NEW Cerious Technologies Upgrade - Graphene Matrix Cables
I'm interested in the standard interconnects (non matrix) and would be coming from Morrow MA3's.Anyone have any insight? Most of what I read is for the Matrix versions which is outside of my budget. 
What is wrong here.. on Audiogon?
Its like the SH forums. Terrible. 
Amps with meters ...
Meter?I hardly knew her/rimshot 
Matching Gear matter to you?
@wolf_garcia Shag carpeting in harvest gold? Lol 
Amp for focal 1038be?
@georgehifi is right. My experience is that no Focal speaker is as sensitive as they claim. Also they are typically more of a 4ohm load than 8ohm. They need heavy current to bring out their best.I’d go tubed preamp with beeeeefy solid state amp.  
The one tweak most Focals need ...
I had wondered about this. I have Chorus 807v’s and researched swapping to a more refined tweeter. I mighty try this instead 
Matching Gear matter to you?
I am going to take the plunge on the Quicksilver. My first piece of tube gear and only the 2nd major piece to the system (its been 2 years since the last piece).It runs 12AT7 tubes, not sure what comes with it but it'll be down the rabbit hole on ... 
Let me know your choice please
"Snack Bracket"I like that 
Matching Gear matter to you?
@wspohn  Its really about synergy. Buying gear from someone who makes all the pieces and shows them all performing together. But yes aesthetically I like a stack of gear from the same manufacturer, sure. 
Purchased new speakers, need amp suggestion
+1 @yogiboy a Khartago will drive them well. 110 watts class AB, stable to 2 ohms and a 20 year warranty AND can be sent back for a myriad of upgrades.  
Preamplifier for Quicksilver V4s
Back from the deadWhere do you even buy Quicksilver gear? I'm interested in the Line Stage but I only find LP Gear having it and the specs don't match the QS website. 
Matching Gear matter to you?
I reread this thread and realized I never mentioned which preamp I was contemplating. DuhIt’s the Quicksilver Line Stage Preamp 
Spatial Audio X3 Open Baffle Loudspeakers
I was super interested.  
Matching Gear matter to you?
I fee like I win either way. I’m told both are very good and I’m coming from a very humble starting spot. Once I get confirmation on a single detail I’ll pull the trigger. It would be my first component bought this calendar year (other than a Topp...