Responses from grannyring
Mac gear "Slow" or others "Fast" What do folks mean by slow? The Mac MC402 I have is not slow like a Cary tube amp (older ones). If an amp has meat and body, then one calls it slow. When an amp is more threadbare, then some mistake this for speed. Well the newer Mac amps play as ... | |
Mac gear "Slow" or others "Fast" Bigjoe is soooooooooo right here. I own the MC402 amp and just love it. It is the finest amp I have put into my system. So effortless and natural. Anyone who has owned this amp knows it is world class. Forget the brand, forget your bias, forget th... | |
Audio Aero Prima 24/192 Mk II cd player...... Yes, don't worry and be happy as all of this is fun! The Prima may be perfect sounding to another who likes a different sound. This hobby is all about what you like to hear. If you try the Prima and like it, then keep it and enjoy. If you find it ... | |
Audio Aero Prima 24/192 Mk II cd player...... Bluebull, I have owned the Prima and have compared it at lenght to many other good players and DAC's. Check my feedback and see I am a long time and active audiofool.My system (systems) were well matched and good for comparing various front ends. ... | |
cables for home theater - how good?? I second the Art Audio. I use them in my HT ssytem. They are great IC-3.Bill | |
Audio Aero Prima 24/192 Mk II cd player...... Bluebull, would you consider $2300-$2500 to much? If not, then get a Resolution Audio Opus 21 used. I have also owned this unit and it is the second best unit I have heard in my home system. It is right behind the AA Capital Sig Version.It would b... | |
Audio Aero Prima 24/192 Mk II cd player...... "the minor audio differences are not worth quibbling about"That is what this hobby and love is all about! Those small differences in one's system, room and personal taste is what makes a system come together in the end. It is what turns a stereo i... | |
GMA Europa owners use what amp? Buy an Art Sla 1 on Ebay for $160. Put a decent power cord on it and some decent footers. This Art will floor you. Yes, I said $160 new. I own three of them and love them. I also own a Mcintosh 402 and the Art is not as good. Ha! But it not far be... | |
Audio Aero Prima 24/192 Mk II cd player...... Judy 426 thanks for your comments. I owned the Ack DAC V2 and it did better the Prima. I love the Prima, but trust me it was a contest. My system when I had both units was far from forward sounding.Cain & Cain IM Ben double hornsWright 3.5 SET... | |
Playing with the idea of solid state amps My experence and recent desires are just like yours. I just sold my Wright Sound 3.5 SET tube monoblock amps for a 400 watt/channel SS amp. I tried many.I purchased a Mcintosh MC401 SS amp. It is wonderful. I also suggest these,Blue Circle SS amps... | |
Audio Aero Prima 24/192 Mk II cd player...... You have a great system. I owned the Prima and another dozen Dac's and players - all very good. The Prima is a little forward sounding. I found the Ack Dac V2 to sound better and it can be had for $650 used or $850 new.I also found the Cary 308T t... | |
$5000 or under speaker secommendations? Get a used Silverline Sonata II or even better - new Usher 6381's for $3000. Usher is a steal for the money.Bill | |
Preamp/Amp synergy with Cain Abby's? The Wright 3.5 mono's are magic with your speakers. Plenty of power and an immediacy/intimacy that will astound you.Not forward or bright and not slow or to thick. You must try it as nothing I can say will matter - you must hear them together. Tal... | |
Preamp/Amp synergy with Cain Abby's? The best amp for these speakers is the Wright Sound 2A3 monoblock amps with a Wright preamp. Can't do any better with these speakers. Owned Wright gear with cain & Cain speakers and it was the best sound I have ever owned by a good margin. The... | |
Review: Audio Art Cable IC-3 Interconnect These cables are a wonderful find. For HT a no brainer folks. For very good 2 channel - a no brainer folks. Very pleased with the performance of these and for the price you WONT do better. |