
Responses from gregm

Tweaks - An Honest Discussion
@discopants My system is low resolution source material but it sounds incredible (3D soundstage, PRaT, microdynamics, accurate tonality)Accurate tonality & dynamics from low res source matl -- that is exceptional performance indeed!Back to twe... 
Active speakers for a large room
Another vote for JBLs; very well behaved (good dispersion & off-axis response, etc) and reasonably priced for the performance level. The M3 series probably tallies with what you need 
IM Distortion, Speakers and the Death of Science
I’m saying what we measure is not enough, but we take it to mean all that is knowable. I agree with that. I should have been clearer in my post.The fact that the data we are offered is insufficient to correlate to the listening experience, fuels t... 
IM Distortion, Speakers and the Death of Science
@kenjit  MLSSA & FFT are very useful toolsFor what?For measuring loudspeaker response. 
IM Distortion, Speakers and the Death of Science
@alymereThe science is not dead; it’s getting more and more interesting.I agree. I think the general consensus here is (& @erik_squires certainly makes the case): we measure irrelevant things.So, it's not science but how it is applied to audio... 
Buzz/Whooshing Noise (From Preamp?)
Your description indicates that it could be (preamp) power supply related although the different noise on each channel is confusing. You have, of course checked the cabling just in case there is a short somewhere? You wouldn't have a volume contro... 
Listening Room Dimensions... I'm building one and need your help
Another "what @audiokinesis said" OR, if you do it alone, here are the ideal height - width / length relations to minimize modes. If H is for height and X & Y the two walls of a rectangular room, then H=1 to X=1.9 to Y=1.4/1.3 is bestX=1.5, Y=... 
Your favorite Mahler recordings on vinyl
I am a bit of a Mahler hobbyist and I find myself in agreement with @edgewear above — with a few additions:No2 - additional: Klemperer / Concertgebouw, (EMI live)No4: definitely Klemperer!No5-6: definitely Barbirolli (maybe 6 with Solti) -- unbeat... 
Naim Audio system owners - What speakers are you using with Naim?
Naim is owned by Focal's parent company. Presumably some Naim-Focal tuning must take place, don't you think? So Focal speakers would be contenders here. 
Articles You Feel Should be Shared
Since Siegfried Linkwitz was mentioned above, here is his site, one of monumental importance to audiophiles (IMO). There's advice about speaker building as well as construction plans for outstanding speakers (I heard the Orions II—to say I was blo... 
Tidal vs ATC
For your room, given your equipment and MY taste*, go for the ATC 150 ACTIVE or you’ll be spending unnecessary time & money trying to drive them properly. The Agoria are excellent speakers but the ATCs will give you the excitement of classical... 
Placette RCV best power amplifier to match with
Hi Maurizio, your Krell is an excellent device and probably not the weakest link in your system. IMO, the DAC in your Labtek is surpassed by the rest of the system.You of can course improve on the Krell; FM Acoustics, Symphonic Line Kraft 300, Dar... 
10 Audio Cable Myths and Facts
Gentlemen (and ladies if any present), instead of disagreeing ad infinitum why not perform a simple experiment — try it: all it takes is a professional IC, 4 short lengths of zip cord & four connectors. Solder together a zip cord IC and compar... 
MSB vs dCS Bartok
It’s OK and not bright. But It's not as dynamic (compared to the Naim NDS /252 preamp) I had before. It’s soft with vocals, bass is not punchy enough@rfc I have a similar -- identical -- experience right now with the Select. Midrange is fine, and ... 
How do you sort your LPs?
By genre (classical, jazz-blues, rock), then by composer-composition (classical), artist-composer all other. In classical, when there are more than 1 composer involved, I favour the better of (usually) two performances.