Responses from grislybutter
Speakers for a Large Room (20’x37’) you have at least 20 good choices, and you should listen to at least 7 of those. I'd start with an Excel spreadsheet, 5 evaluation criteria, and sort out what those 7 should be | |
Zu vs. Tekton? -- your comparisons on price, build, sound @facten yeah, you can't read, I am sorry for your limitations. My words absolutely don't mean that the 2000 dollar one IS NOT better. I can't believe we at kindergarten level now. Please leave me alone. | |
Zu vs. Tekton? -- your comparisons on price, build, sound @larry5729 "I think those you put down wires can’t afford them " there is truth to that, your cable budget is my speaker budget. But that's not to say I don't want to hear the difference. I do. And I tried. And for me there was such a small dif... | |
Zu vs. Tekton? -- your comparisons on price, build, sound @missioncoonery where did I say the 2000 dollar cable is not better than the 20 dollar cable?????????? and you call me an idiot? Please try to read what I wrote and react to that. Also, this is a Tekton vs Zu post. Hm. | |
Zu vs. Tekton? -- your comparisons on price, build, sound @larry5729 sure, cables matter, but the money spent on cables are way better investment on speakers, they make such a tiny difference. It's not a myth but way overhyped. 20 dollars cables vs 2000 dollar cables make the littlest difference | |
Dynaudio Contour 30i or Sonus Faber Olympica II the LSA-20 Signature or Statements are terrible speakers, way overpriced The Dynaudio is a magical speaker. The secret I found is to have your ear 2-3 feet above the speakers and no more than 6 feet between them. | |
Recommendations for speakers with Luxman 509x I like the Spendors and I personally don’t think at that price point you can get a better speaker, or for twice or thrice that | |
Desk top speakers at low cost I have this one selling on reverb for $225 Henry Kloss' happiest days. Not that he had any bad ones. | |
Best light weight full range speaker recommendation. re Gershman Grand Avant Garde I seriously could not come up with anything to make that speaker uglier, aesthetically speaking | |
Replacement for current speakers suggestions I was looking for a very similar solution: warm sound, rich imaging, pure fun, under 2K, ended up with Dynauiod Evoke 20s. After demoing 10+ speakers in this price range, it blew away all brands. for $1600, open box from https://www.safeandsou... | |
Looking for thoughts on Sonus Faber speakers I think the pairing is very key, I tried the Sonetto at home and didn't work well with my amp | |
Magico A5 or Sonus faber SERAFINO TRADITION or Harbeth 40.3 XD I am knitting a giant quilt of a panda bear and it's windy outside | |
Magico A5 or Sonus faber SERAFINO TRADITION or Harbeth 40.3 XD nealry half of the comments are: listen to X! When the post asked about speakers A, B and C. how relevant | |
Magico A5 or Sonus faber SERAFINO TRADITION or Harbeth 40.3 XD @blkwrxwgn but it's been never ever done! | |
Magico A5 or Sonus faber SERAFINO TRADITION or Harbeth 40.3 XD Based on what I read here, Magico wins in the looks+pairing+sound+value total points. I think the SF is a piece of art as furniture and it would cost more because you'd have to upgrade your current furniture to match it. |