
Responses from gs5556

Imaging and the first violin(s)
Can we assume you established a frame of reference by attending live performances of chamber music? 
Preventive maintenance or wait till it breaks?
Keeping heat sinks and ventilation openings clean and clear will do more for your amplifier’s longevity than replacing capacitors. 
Conrad Johnson ART amps - Watts at 8 ohms vs 4 ohms
It's all about Ohm's Law on the secondary of the output transformer. For the 300 watt amp:The 4 ohm tap is wound to 35 Vrms -->  9 amps at speaker load 4 ohms; The 8 ohm tap is wound 49 Vrms --> 6 amps at speaker load 8 ohms; The 16 ohm tap... 
DACs with High Voltage Output
A 37 watt output at 8 ohms is a rail voltage of 17.2 volts RMS. The peak power is based on the RMS voltage x 1.414, which is 24.3 volts. Power is therefore 24.3 squared divided by 8, or 74 watts.That’s why the spec says "> 70 watts". The 1.5 Vr... 
Amp shut off and came back again.
It sounds like the power dissipation protection. Playing at a high volume level, the speaker load at that instant may have presented to the amp a (say) 45 degree phase angle which doubles the power drawn from the amp -- but only a quarter the deli... 
Ground Loop(?) leads to blow speaker
The only way to get a handle on what's going on is to play a 50 hz 0 dBFS test signal through the Wadia and measure the output voltage. It should be 2.0 volts RMS (the 50 hz tone will be more accurately measured since most DMM's are optimized for ... 
Ground Loop(?) leads to blow speaker
The Adcom 535 Mk II is capacitor coupled at the input and the Creek and Carver are not. What you have is DC at the output which the Creek passed through to the speaker before going into protection mode. The Adcom's input cap blocked the DC and did... 
External PSU shuts down the breaker
Before you do anything make sure you don’t have a ground fault to the chassis. Measure the resistance between the hot and ground at the iec inlet and confirm there is infinite resistance.Then check your outlet and make sure it’s wired correctly. 
Perfect Path Tecnologies ‘The Gate’
It goes between hot and neutral without exploding?Refrigerators run colder but kilowatt hours are constant?What we have here is a single-phase power factor correction device. Or, a five grand capacitor. 
Bias adjustment on solid state amplifiers
SS bias need not ever (almost ever) be adjusted if no rail caps or output devices are replaced during the normal lifespan of an amplifier, or if there is no trim pot drift/failure.Once upon a time you would find the bias procedure and values in th... 
Amplifier current vrs watts; why is current more important?
Because amplifiers don’t deliver watts. (How many watts of light does a lamp deliver? Depends on the bulb, i.e., the load).What they mean is that amplifier wattage is rated at load of 8 ohms and any change in that load will demand more current fro... 
List iof 192khz/24bit music in Qobuz
Tap the album image then go to description. That’s the only way I know without playing the tracks first. 
Should manufacturers provide circuit schematics & parts list?
If I manufactured an amplifier I wouldn't provide a schematic. Don't want to get sued if you poke around and hurt yourself or start a fire. 
anybody buying into magnetic levitation "eliminates the effects of any vibration" ?
I don't buy it at all. The people who have an economic interest in vibration isolation aren't playing around with magnets. They offer products that work: 
Technology in speakers....
I've had the $4,000 Thiel 3.6's since the early 1990's and haven't found anything that would want me to replace them. I am blessed that I can afford to easily spend much more than $15,000 on speakers if I so choose, as the Magico S5 MkII almost te...