
Responses from gullahisland

platinum audio solo's
These guys are all over the map.1. The Solos need a TON of quality power AND current. MOSFET designs seem to work particularly well. I had best success with an old Acoustat TNT-200 and a Sunfire 300. I tried an ARC D-115MKII (110 tube watts per ch... 
Breakthrough Evidence of the Beatle's Genius?
Is it just me, or do people who talk about their pets as "children" bug you, too?? 
Replacing Vandy 2CEs w/ Monitors--Can It Be Done?
Funny. The two speakers that I thought of as I was reading the title to this thread were Platinum Solos and Green Mountain Europas.My personal preference would be for the Solos, but considering the room placement constraint and your preference for... 
Amplifier For Martin Logan CLSIIZ?
Thanks everybody,That's a very interesting comment about the HCA-2. Not sure of why (technically) this is the case, but it's sure good to know.I believe that Blue Circle's designer (can't think of his name) does use them as his reference. I think ... 
Caliper Signature vs Duetta Signature?
Thanks guys,I am bi-wiring them with an "internal bi-wire" pair of cables. I was told that it does make a big difference. The binding posts were also upgraded to all copper too.All I know is that they sound amazing. Not the best I've ever heard, b... 
Caliper Signature vs Duetta Signature?
Thanks Dave,Well...Unfortunately, the Apogees are on the proverbial auction block. Unfortunately, they're not the most kid-friendly speakers in the world (as I mentioned before) and to keep the peace, I've decided to move along.I just purchased a ... 
Caliper Signature vs Duetta Signature?
Sogood51 - Thanks for your very thorough and thoughful response. You were dead right about the Apogee "sound".I just picked up a pair of Calipers (non-signature) and HOLY CRAP, they sound good! As I mentioned, my room is quite large, but the amoun... 
Krell ksa-300s vs Pass Labs x-350
Searching previous threads reveals that Cdimi is Eurotrash with a fondness for foul language and whose favorite brands include REL, YBA and Audio Magic. 
Caliper Signature vs Duetta Signature?
Thanks everyone,Dave - The room is quite huge (25'X30 with ceilings vaulted from 9'-16'). My guess is that Duettas or even Divas would probably be more appropriate.Out of curiosity, how do you like the Centaurs? I owned a pair for about 3 hours. I... 
What other obsessions do you have?
Upon further review, I wish to apologize for casting the net so widely. The bulk of the posts were decidedly benign.To answer your questions Jax2, it's not the subject of the thread that I objected to. Quite the contrary. I really get a kick out o... 
What other obsessions do you have?
PS You don't have to take my word for it at all....just go and ask Jo' Mamma! She saw what you did to that poor donkey. She told me the pictures are up on the Web somewhere. Do a Google search on "Hypocrite Audiophile Donkey-Love Tiny" and you'll ... 
What other obsessions do you have?
Slappy, if that were the case, there'd be a 1:1 ratio of corrections to posts for you alone. ;-) 
What other obsessions do you have?
Oh...And not that I'm one to correct, but it's "braggart" not "braggard". 
What other obsessions do you have?
"It serves to get a more complete picture of many of the folks you are reading posts from."-My point exactly. And up until your most recent post, I actually found you to be a pretty affable guy."But you are partially correct: with few exceptions e... 
What other obsessions do you have?
I stayed away from this thread for the past several days assuming that it would just be a bunch of self-absorbed braggarts and snobs engaged in a "mine is bigger than yours" pissing contest.With very few exceptions, I was right.At least we all lov...