
Responses from herman

Any audiophile use computer (MacBook) as your audio streaming source?
And here we go....... again If you search the internet you will find at least 1000 threads discussing this exact same question. You will find that they all contain the exact same information, in fact, some of the same people here are posting the ... 
Truly Stunning Vinyl Album
That said, four albums stand out for me as a recommendation. They are diverse, Janis Joplin - Cheap Thrills Dave Brubeck - Take Five Jethro Tull - Aqualung Allman Brothers Band - Live at the Fillmore There are literally hundreds of versions... 
so bass traps in corners do nothing, it seems we have been fooled. or are being fooled.
https://trackingangle.com/equipment/asc-tube-traps-for-life here's another take on it  
so bass traps in corners do nothing, it seems we have been fooled. or are being fooled.
So the tiny little gray or blue "triangle" corner traps (popular a while ago) always made me chuckle. Those were not intended for and were never promoted to be bass traps   and I’m not promoting these nor commenting on their effectiveness, an... 
Step Up Transformers….Are they Worth the Trouble?
No additional loading plugs needed as per Dave. go with what Dave recommends  I have the silver chosen based on what I read, and very happy with it, but not any direct comparison with the copper.  
Step Up Transformers….Are they Worth the Trouble?
Back to my journey, I just finalized a tube phono with good MM and MC capabilities. We plan to compare the tube phono in following configurations, 1) Fuuga ➡️ Allnic H-6500 MC ➡️ Accuphase E-650 2) Fuuga ➡️ Konus Phono (transimpedance) ➡️ E-650... 
Step Up Transformers….Are they Worth the Trouble?
Raul. You have no idea what my background and understanding is. What I do know and understand from many years of experience, is you are delusional if you think you are accurately measuring differences between .01 and .012 dB, and even more delusi... 
Step Up Transformers….Are they Worth the Trouble?
Clasic posts of an audiophile but certainly not a MUSIC lover. how odd you say that....I don't see where anything you posted has anything to do with loving music, only chasing numbers. MY system produces beautiful music. That is all I care abo... 
List Of Small Company Tube Amps
EM/IA https://myemia.com/    
Step Up Transformers….Are they Worth the Trouble?
On the record side, the cutter manufacturer goes to great lengths to make sure the cutter is spot on to the proper pre-emphasis. you have more faith in your fellow man than I do and do you really think they get within .01 dB or whatever it is... 
Step Up Transformers….Are they Worth the Trouble?
I agree that one does want RIAA error to be as small as practical, but I don't agree that +/-0.2db (the actual data for the Allnic, reported by Raul as "0.4db") is anything to be concerned about.  I also own Raul's 3160 Phonolinepreamp, and it's ... 
Step Up Transformers….Are they Worth the Trouble?
“Loading on the input side”.  Does that mean using a resistor across the primaries of the SUT (which on its surface sounds like a bad idea) or what? Dave is a great outside the box thinker. exactly. https://myemia.com/SUT.html https://myemia.c... 
Step Up Transformers….Are they Worth the Trouble?
the today top phono SS stages has A RIAA deviation of at least 0.1db and lower than that, mine is 0.011 and FM Acoustics 0.05. chasing numbers like this is a fool's errand. There are so many errors introduced in so many stages of the process th... 
Step Up Transformers….Are they Worth the Trouble?
as an owner of an Emia phono and silver SUT, I recommend saving yourself a lot grief.  Just go ahead and get the silver SUT. Contact Dave Slagle, tell him what you have and what you want, and he will custom wind you the ideal solution. You will ha... 
Step Up Transformers….Are they Worth the Trouble?
I did not read the whole thread but it points out that the options are pretty much endless. Make your life simple... Contact Dave Slagle at Emia.Tell him what you have and what you want to do and he can wind you an SUT that is perfect for your sit...