Responses from herman
Looking for RCA cables from preamp to amp? Benchmark, or make your own https://benchmarkmedia.com/collections/cables | |
Ebay selling my missing amplifier 8 months ago I sent an amplifier to europe for upgrades. The amp went missing and there were investigations that went unresolved. What does "unresolved" mean? After 8 months if it was lost you should have been paid by now. Did you ship a $50,0... | |
Do you belong more to souce first or to speakers first school of thought ? so many here have completely ignored the question. It was NOT what is most important, it was what should come first. Nothing is "most important" because it is a SYSTEM. It is the weakest link idea. The SYSTEM can be no better than the weakest lin... | |
Do you belong more to souce first or to speakers first school of thought ? speakers add the most distortion and coloration so you have to start with speakers you like the sound of that fit your room. All this crap about the guy from Naim declaring source first is just that,,,, crap from a guy who sold sources... Put a $... | |
Ethernet cables I just did a thorough search of all the internet audio forums. This is the 2,134,567th thread devoted to this topic. After the 5th one, nothing else has ever been said that wasn't said before. Yet, here we are again. Next time, I suggest doing a... | |
Your Ultimate Phono Preamp: Which One Would You Choose? https://myemia.com/LR.html Having compared the Emia to several others directly in my system for an extended period including the VDH Grail SE and the BMC ULN as well as extensive listening in my system to an Allnic unit. Lino 2.0, and the latest ... | |
why expensive streamers I just did a thorough search of all the internet audio forums. This is the 2,134,567th thread devoted to this topic. After the 5th one, nothing else has ever been said that wasn't said before. Yet, here we are again. Next time, I suggest doing a... | |
Turntable Isolation Minus K will solve it, a bit more expensive but you can shake the table below it pretty violently and the record will play on | |
Aurender n200, talk me out of signing on the dotted line Late to the thread so didn't read it all. You said Spotify and internet radio which are both lossy, compressed sources. It is a fool's errand to think that any streamer is going to turn them into something they are not Save your $6000 and subscri... | |
Records not stored vertically for decades https://vinylbro.com/storing-vinyl-records-flat-or-upright/#storing-records-flat-or-upright | |
Example of a piece o’ crap, useless review I read (skim through) reviews to see what music they are using to evaluate a system. Found some good stuff that way. Not much use for them otherwise. | |
Turntable Isolation Magnetic levitation is the way to go. Not that difficult to setup nowadays; the new ultra strong magnets are not that expensive. Then just a couple steel plates and you are in business. A little foam or something on the sides to keep the suspens... | |
How important is the efficiency of a speaker to you? If you look into this a bit further you will discover that these other waves are combinations of sine waves, and there are no musical signals which have an instantaneous rise time. If you put any musical signal through a spectrum analyzer you will... | |
How important is the efficiency of a speaker to you? https://www.audioholics.com/audio-amplifier/amplifier-slew-rate | |
How important is the efficiency of a speaker to you? "an amp operating withing it’s specifications that is producing 100 W RMS at a given frequency will reach peak power in the same amount of time as a 1 W RMS amp will." You missed the point. I said ALL OTHER THINGS BEING EQUAL. So the same amp... |