Responses from herman
How important is the efficiency of a speaker to you? https://www.audioholics.com/audio-amplifier/amplifier-slew-rate | |
How important is the efficiency of a speaker to you? "an amp operating withing it’s specifications that is producing 100 W RMS at a given frequency will reach peak power in the same amount of time as a 1 W RMS amp will." You missed the point. I said ALL OTHER THINGS BEING EQUAL. So the same amp... | |
How important is the efficiency of a speaker to you? The amplifier takes time to make this power (i.e., slew rate). So the amp "slews" 3.16 times faster to reach the same volume level resulting in increased dynamics for the high efficiency speaker. that's not how it works, that is not how slew ra... | |
Yes, cables do make a difference -- regardless of price... In any case, I have a BSEE and MSEE in information theory and signal processing, as well as PhD work in cognitive science and am very skeptical of the ideas and claims made here concerning cables. This is a perfect textbook example of an appeal... | |
Yes, cables do make a difference -- regardless of price... I’m not going to settle this debate, but I can tell you this with 100% certainty If you google this topic you will find hundreds of threads over many years where you get the exact same arguments on both sides and it always ends right where it sta... | |
Cable Break In for the Naysayers I’m not going to settle this debate, but I can tell you this with 100% certainty If you google this topic you will find hundreds of threads over many years where you get the exact same arguments on both sides and it always ends right where it sta... | |
Do I Need a Dedicated Streamer? these threads, and there are too many to count on this and various other forums, are a complete waste of time. Once you read the first one years ago the responses are always the same and go into 2 broad categories. there is no reason they can m... | |
Has buying and/or selling audio gear changed? when we signed up for PayPal we agreed to pay them a fee for their service. Going to F&F cheats PayPal out of what you legally owe them for using their service. In other words, using F&F is dishonest. Many have all sorts of rationalizatio... | |
Can you provide context on First Watt? DIYaudio is a great place to ask about FirstWatt products, since it is essentially a kit. that is completely false, they are finished products just like all Pass products There’s absolutely nothing “kit” about a FW amplifier nothing | |
Is it worth it? DAC question You’re likely to get a meaningful upgrade with the iFi, but you’ll likely need a decent SPDIF digital cable to run from the Node to the DAC to be able to realize the advantages. I recommend ignoring advice from anyone who has speaker cables tha... | |
Does anyone repair.... We can repair, upgrade, modify any audio component. We are in New Jersey. He posted because he is looking for someone close to New Orleans, not New Jersey | |
Does anyone repair.... There is no pricetag on happiness ! Really, ?? You suggest spend whatever it takes to try and restore a worn out console with a mediocre turntable that is probably eating up the records, possibly dried out speakers, and questionable electroni... | |
Does anyone repair.... Had a buzz for years, now it is much louder The electrolytic capacitors dry out and lose capacitance over time. Not a matter of if, it is when, and yours is waaaay past when. As that happens the amp starts to buzz and hum getting it restored i... | |
What happen to MQA on Tidal? can someone explain this?? A 1988-1996 car CD Player that sounded better than all of the 24 bit processor CD Players: The Alpine 7909. I don’t think a poll conducted 15 years ago which appears to be confined to car stereos is really relevant to... | |
What happen to MQA on Tidal? "Most people who disparage Atmos Music have not heard it properly set up end of story" That's fanciful speculation. Perhaps... but how many people do you know who have an Atmos system with at least 5 bed level speakers and 4 overhead? How man... |