Responses from hickamore
Best Value Line Stage Tube Preamps? If an ur-guru like wolf_garcia says Freya+ stands sonically with the best, durable, no tube rolling trouble, that's good enough for me. Whatever risk may remain is easily worth a $900, trade- value-retained gamble. Thinking if/when I "upgrade" fro... | |
Best Value Line Stage Tube Preamps? Don't need integrated these days, but the product info is good to hold for the dreaded day when the component footprint must shrink along with its owner. Checking out the rest except ARC, which I already know, and whose company, like the few geniu... | |
Best Value Line Stage Tube Preamps? branden_8091please report your findings if any. | |
Best Value Line Stage Tube Preamps? millercarbon your expertise has been duly admired and appreciated in other threads. I'm just now learning that although the Rogue logo is a raven, Raven is another product entirely. Such a tasty can of worms to dig into :-) | |
Best Value Line Stage Tube Preamps? Ahhh. The plot thickens and always more to consider. Thanks all. | |
Best Value Line Stage Tube Preamps? Very helpful, melm, much appreciated. Especially the news that Freya+ no longer gets Tung-Sols, yet tube rolling is easy. Having heard nothing to the contrary so far, any reason not to start with Schiit and if displeased, trade up for big boys? | |
Best Value Line Stage Tube Preamps? rickytickytwo, thanks. How much tube rolling have you done with the Freya Plus, and what did you think of the original stock tubes? Build quality would certainly be a key for the long haul, and I too have read that the big boys are built like farm... | |
Class-D Audio USA have just released their new GaN amp at the CES Never trusted Class D since Bob Carver's original brute circa 1980. So now Carver is doing tubes and Class D is high fashion. Stand long enough in the same place . . . | |
The Modern DAC killed High Resolution Music - has Stereophile proven it? Nothing to add but much to learn.Hoping for more posts on this subject. | |
Rogue RP-7 vs. PrimaLuna Dialogue Tube Preamps soix, appreciate your further information. You're right; for a large investment in the key piece in the system the buyer should consider every reasonable candidate. Will definitely have a look at these. The trial period is a real plus, and thanks ... | |
Can I cheat and not get caught? Why does Accuphase conceal the highly relevant fact that their gold-plated connectors are still idiosyncratically designed for bare wire entering the third decade of the 21st Century CE? | |
Rogue RP-7 vs. PrimaLuna Dialogue Tube Preamps A strong argument always, agreed. It seems what PrimaLuna provides instead is an exclusive, and remarkably helpful, U.S. online dealer. Upscale Audio doesn't build the device (now updated to EVO 300 from DiaLogue for another $500), but represents ... | |
Rogue RP-7 vs. PrimaLuna Dialogue Tube Preamps Helpful enough for me on the Rogue side, thanks! | |
Rogue RP-7 vs. PrimaLuna Dialogue Tube Preamps jaybe, I'm sure you are right, but knowing no dealer willing to let me audition both devices in my own system prior to purchase, I'd just be guessing. Maybe the question is phrased too abstractly. I'm actually soliciting the experiences of those w... | |
Tube Buffer Thanks all. Obviously some worthy and affordable options for the purpose I had in mind.Further reflection leads me to see that, needing a new preamp anyhow, I might as well just go Rogue and be done with it, much as I admire the M8. RP7 changes th... |